Virhe tapahtui prosessoidessa esitysmallia.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> serviceLocator.findService("crc-utilities-portlet", "com.elan.crc.utilities.service.CRCRemoteServiceService")  [in template "10154#10192#153098209" at line 1, column 21]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign utilServ = serviceLocator.fin...  [in template "10154#10192#153098209" at line 1, column 1]
1<#assign utilServ = serviceLocator.findService("crc-utilities-portlet", "com.elan.crc.utilities.service.CRCRemoteServiceService") > 
2<#assign url404 = '/error/404.html' > 
3<#assign oadURL = propsUtil.get('elan.oad.url') > 
4<#assign url = request.attributes.CURRENT_URL > 
5<#assign qstringmap = httpUtil.getParameterMap(httpUtil.getQueryString(url))> 
7<#if qstringmap["ecid"]?has_content> 
8    <#assign ecidExt="&ecid="+qstringmap["ecid"]?first> 
10    <#assign ecidExt=""> 
13<#assign lc= qstringmap["ecdma-lc"]?first> 
14<#assign prefix = "00000" > 
15<#assign lcWithPrefix = prefix + lc > 
16<#assign withPrefixLength = lcWithPrefix?length > 
17<#assign startHere = withPrefixLength - 5> 
18<#assign lc = lcWithPrefix?substring(startHere)> 
19<#assign environment = url?replace('/syn.*','','r')> 
22<#if lc?has_content> 
23    <#assign clientProfileService = serviceLocator.findService("crc-clientprofile-portlet", "com.elan.crc.servicebuilder.crcclientprofile.service.CrcClientProfileLocalService") > 
24    <#assign clientProfileList = clientProfileService.findByLocationCode(lc)> 
25    <#assign clientProfile = clientProfileList?first> 
26    <#assign clientName = clientProfile.getMarketingNameLong()> 
27    <#assign pbu = clientProfile.getPbu()> 
28    <#assign subbu = clientProfile.getSUBBRANDBUNBR()> 
29    <#assign logoFileName = clientProfile.getLogoBFormat1()> 
30    <#assign cdnLogoUrl = propsUtil.get('rackspace.cdn.web.url')> 
31    <#assign fiCardsData = utilServ.makeCall('crcTier3GetPbuData','0&'+pbu+'&'+subbu)> 
34    <div class="content-container content-container-main"> 
35        <#if url?contains("offerType")> 
36            <#if (fiCardsData?size> 0) > 
37                <#assign currentOffer= qstringmap["offerType"]?first> 
38                <header class="jn-header"> 
39                    <div>  
40                        <a href="${environment}/syn/overview?ecdma-lc=${lc}${ecidExt}"><< Back to Overview</a> 
41                    </div>  
42                    <div>  
43                        <img src="${cdnLogoUrl!''}/${logoFileName!''}" alt="${clientName!''}"> 
44                        <div class="styled-select slate"> 
45                            <select> 
46                                <#list fiCardsData as fib> 
47                                <#if fib.offerType=="108"> 
48                                    <#assign productURL="platinum"> 
49                                        <#assign productName="Visa® Platinum Card"> 
50                                <#elseif fib.offerType=="101"> 
51                                    <#assign productURL = "real-rewards"> 
52                                    <#assign productName = "Visa® Real Rewards Card"> 
53                                <#elseif fib.offerType == "115"> 
54                                    <#assign productURL = "secure-visa"> 
55                                    <#assign productName = "Visa® Secured Card" > 
56                                <#elseif fib.offerType == "128"> 
57                                    <#assign productURL = "business-cashback"> 
58                                    <#assign productName = "Visa® Business Cash Card" > 
59                                <#elseif fib.offerType == "143"> 
60                                    <#assign productURL = "business-real-rewards"> 
61                                    <#assign productName = "Visa® Business Real Rewards Card" > 
62                                <#elseif fib.offerType == "123"> 
63                                    <#assign productURL = "business-rewards-plus"> 
64                                    <#assign productName = "Visa® Business Rewards PLUS Card" > 
65                                </#if> 
66                                    <#if (fib.offerType == "${currentOffer}")> 
67                                        <option value="${environment}/syn/${productURL}?ecdma-lc=${lc}&offerType=${fib.offerType}${ecidExt}" selected="selected">${productName}</option> 
68                                    <#else> 
69                                        <option value="${environment}/syn/${productURL}?ecdma-lc=${lc}&offerType=${fib.offerType}${ecidExt}">${productName}</option> 
70                                    </#if> 
71                                </#list> 
72                            </select> 
73                        </div> 
74                    </div>  
75                </header> 
76                <script> 
77                    AUI().ready(function () { 
78                        jQuery('.styled-select select').change(function () { 
79                            location.href = this.value; 
80                        }); 
81                    }); 
82                </script> 
83            <#else> 
84                <script> 
85                    console.log("FI Cards Data empty"); 
86                        //location.href = '${url404}'; 
87                </script> 
88            </#if> 
89        <#else> 
90            <header class="jn-header"> 
91                <div>  
92                    <img src="${cdnLogoUrl!''}/${logoFileName!''}" alt="${clientName!''}"> 
93                </div>  
94            </header> 
95        </#if> 
96    </div> 
Virhe tapahtui prosessoidessa esitysmallia.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> serviceLocator.findService("crc-utilities-portlet", "com.elan.crc.utilities.service.CRCRemoteServiceService")  [in template "10154#10192#153098206" at line 1, column 21]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign utilServ = serviceLocator.fin...  [in template "10154#10192#153098206" at line 1, column 1]
1<#assign utilServ = serviceLocator.findService("crc-utilities-portlet", "com.elan.crc.utilities.service.CRCRemoteServiceService") > 
2<#assign url404 = '/error/404.html' > 
3<#assign oadURL = propsUtil.get('elan.oad.url') > 
4<#assign url = request.attributes.CURRENT_URL > 
5<#assign qstringmap = httpUtil.getParameterMap(httpUtil.getQueryString(url))> 
7<#assign lc=qstringmap["ecdma-lc"]?first> 
8<#assign prefix="00000"> 
9<#assign lcWithPrefix=prefix + lc> 
10<#assign withPrefixLength=lcWithPrefix?length> 
11<#assign startHere=withPrefixLength - 5> 
12<#assign lc=lcWithPrefix?substring(startHere)> 
14    <#if lc?has_content> 
16        <#assign clientProfileService=serviceLocator.findService("crc-clientprofile-portlet", "com.elan.crc.servicebuilder.crcclientprofile.service.CrcClientProfileLocalService")> 
17        <#assign clientProfileList=clientProfileService.findByLocationCode(lc)> 
18        <#assign clientProfile=clientProfileList?first> 
19        <#assign clientName=clientProfile.getMarketingNameLong()> 
20        <#assign pbu=clientProfile.getPbu()> 
21        <#assign subbu = clientProfile.getSUBBRANDBUNBR()> 
22        <#assign cdnCardArtUrl=propsUtil.get('rackspace.cdn.cardart.url')> 
23        <#assign fiCardsData=utilServ.makeCall('crcTier3GetPbuData','0&'+pbu+'&'+subbu)> 
25        <#if fiCardsData??> 
26            <#list fiCardsData as fib> 
27                <#assign productOfferID = fib.offerId> 
28                <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/" + fib.filename + ".png"> 
29                <#if url?contains("offerType")> 
30                    <#assign currentOffer=qstringmap["offerType"]?first> 
31                    <#if (fib.offerType=="${currentOffer}" )>  
32                        <div class="content-container content-container-main"> 
33                            <div class="jn-hero jn-hero-card"> 
34                                <article class="jn-hero-container"> 
35                                    <div class="jn-hero-container-data"> 
36                                        <article> 
37                                            <div> 
38                                                <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${clientName!''}" title="${clientName!''}" 
39                                                    class="jn-img-responsive"> 
40                                            </div> 
41                                            <div> 
42                                                <div>${primaryHeadlineText.getData()}</div> 
43                                                <div class="feature-text">${primaryFeatureText.getData()}</div> 
44                                                <#if termsAndConditions.getData() == "yes"> 
45                                                    <div class="intro"> 
46                                                        <strong>Intro APR<sup>*</sup> for Purchases and Balance Transfers: </strong>${fib.APR} 
47                                                        <a href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer#termsAndCond-details" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a> 
48                                                    </div> 
49                                                </#if> 
50                                                <a href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer" class="jn-button" data-button-name="cta-button-top">${ctaText.getData()}</a> 
51                                            </div> 
53                                        </article> 
54                                    </div> 
55                                </article> 
56                            </div> 
57                        </div> 
58                    </#if> 
59                <#elseif (fib.offerType=="108" || fib.offerType=="128" )> 
60                    <#if fib.offerType=="108"> 
61                        <#assign productName="platinum"> 
62                    <#elseif fib.offerType=="128"> 
63                        <#assign productName="business-cash"> 
64                    </#if> 
65                    <div class="content-container content-container-main product-${productName} tier3-hero-${class.getData()}"> 
66                        <div class="jn-hero jn-hero-card"> 
67                            <article class="jn-hero-container"> 
68                                <div class="jn-hero-container-data"> 
69                                    <article> 
70                                        <div> 
71                                            <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${clientName!''}" class="jn-img-responsive"> 
72                                        </div> 
73                                        <div> 
74                                            <div>${primaryHeadlineText.getData()}</div> 
75                                            <div class="feature-text">${primaryFeatureText.getData()}</div> 
76                                            <#if termsAndConditions.getData() == "yes"> 
77                                                <div class="intro"> 
78                                                    <strong>Intro APR<sup>*</sup> for Purchases and Balance Transfers: </strong>${fib.APR} 
79                                                    <a href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer#termsAndCond-details" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a> 
80                                                </div> 
81                                            </#if> 
82                                            <a href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer" class="jn-button" data-button-name="cta-button-top">${ctaText.getData()}</a> 
83                                        </div> 
84                                    </article> 
85                                </div> 
86                            </article> 
87                        </div> 
88                    </div> 
89                    <script> 
90                        $(document).ready(function () { 
91                            $('.journal-content-article').each(function (i, element) { 
92                                var title = $(this).attr('title'); 
93                                $(this).attr('data-title', title); 
94                                $(this).removeAttr('title') 
95                            }); 
97                            var firstBannerHero = $('.journal-content-article[data-title="Tier 3 Syndicated Hero Visa Platinum Oct/Nov"]'), 
98                                secondBannerHero = $('.journal-content-article[data-title="Tier 3 Syndicated Landing Hero Business Cash Oct/Nov"]'); 
99                            firstBannerHero.find('div.product-business-cash').remove(); 
100                            secondBannerHero.find('div.product-platinum').remove(); 
101                            console.log(firstBannerHero, secondBannerHero); 
102                        }); 
103                    </script> 
104                </#if> 
105            </#list> 
106        <#else> 
107            <script> 
108                //console.log("test"); 
109                console.log("FI Cards Data empty"); 
110               // location.href = '${url404}'; 
111            </script> 
112        </#if> 
113    </#if> 
Virhe tapahtui prosessoidessa esitysmallia.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> serviceLocator.findService("crc-utilities-portlet", "com.elan.crc.utilities.service.CRCRemoteServiceService")  [in template "10154#10192#152860845" at line 1, column 21]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign utilServ = serviceLocator.fin...  [in template "10154#10192#152860845" at line 1, column 1]
1<#assign utilServ = serviceLocator.findService("crc-utilities-portlet", "com.elan.crc.utilities.service.CRCRemoteServiceService") > 
2<#assign url404 = '/error/404.html' > 
3<#assign oadURL = propsUtil.get('elan.oad.url') > 
4<#assign url = request.attributes.CURRENT_URL > 
5<#assign qstringmap = httpUtil.getParameterMap(httpUtil.getQueryString(url))> 
6<#if (qstringmap["offerType"]?has_content) > 
8<#if (qstringmap["ecdma-lc"]?has_content) > 
10<#assign currentOffer= qstringmap["offerType"]?first> 
12<#assign lc= qstringmap["ecdma-lc"]?first> 
13<#assign prefix = "00000" > 
14<#assign lcWithPrefix = prefix + lc > 
15<#assign withPrefixLength = lcWithPrefix?length > 
16<#assign startHere = withPrefixLength - 5> 
17<#assign lc = lcWithPrefix?substring(startHere)> 
19<#if lc?has_content> 
20    <#assign clientProfileService = serviceLocator.findService("crc-clientprofile-portlet", "com.elan.crc.servicebuilder.crcclientprofile.service.CrcClientProfileLocalService") > 
21    <#assign clientProfileList = clientProfileService.findByLocationCode(lc)> 
22    <#assign clientProfile = clientProfileList?first> 
23    <#assign partnerName = clientProfile.getMarketingNameLong()> 
24    <#assign clientName = clientProfile.getMarketingNameLong()> 
25    <#assign pbu = clientProfile.getPbu()> 
26    <#assign subbu = clientProfile.getSUBBRANDBUNBR()> 
27    <#assign logoFileName = clientProfile.getLogoBFormat1()> 
28    <#assign cdnLogoUrl = propsUtil.get('rackspace.cdn.web.url')> 
29    <#assign cdnCardArtUrl = propsUtil.get('rackspace.cdn.cardart.url')> 
30    <#assign fiCardsData = utilServ.makeCall('crcTier3GetPbuData','0&'+pbu+'&'+subbu)> 
32    <#if (fiCardsData?size > 0)> 
34        <div class="content-container content-container-main"> 
35            <section> 
36                <#if FeatureText.getData() != ""> 
37                    <div class="jn-subhero offer-type-${currentOffer}"> 
38                        <ul> 
39                            <#foreach item in FeatureText.getSiblings()> 
40                                <li> 
41                                    ${item.getData()} 
42                                </li> 
43                            </#foreach> 
44                        </ul> 
45                    </div> 
46                </#if> 
47                <div class="jn-find"> 
48                    <div class="subtitle">${HeadlineInfo.getData()}</div> 
49                    <article> 
51                            <div> 
52                                <ul> 
53                                    <#foreach itemA in AdditionalInfoA.getSiblings()> 
54                                        <li> 
55                                            ${itemA.getData()} 
56                                        </li> 
57                                    </#foreach> 
58                                    <li> 
59                                        <#list fiCardsData as fib> 
60                                            <#if (fib.offerType == "${currentOffer}")> 
61                                                <#if (fib.offerType == "115" || fib.offerType == "123")> 
62                                                    <h3>APR for Purchases and Balance Transfers</h3> 
63                                                <#elseif (fib.offerType=="128" || fib.offerType=="143")> 
64                                                    <h3>Annual Fee</h3> 
65                                                <#else> 
66                                                    <h3>Intro APR<sup>*</sup> for Purchases and Balance Transfers</h3> 
67                                                </#if> 
68                                                <#if (fib.offerType=="128" || fib.offerType=="143") > 
69                                                    <p>${fib.Annual} <a href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer#termsAndCond-details" 
70                                                        target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a> 
71                                                    </p> 
72                                                <#else> 
73                                                    <p>${fib.APR} <a href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer#termsAndCond-details"  target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a> 
74                                                    </p> 
75                                                </#if> 
76                                            </#if> 
77                                        </#list> 
78                                    </li> 
79                                </ul> 
80                            </div> 
81                            <div> 
82                                <ul> 
83                                    <#foreach itemB in AdditionalInfoB.getSiblings()> 
84                                        <li> 
85                                            ${itemB.getData()} 
86                                        </li> 
87                                    </#foreach> 
88                                    <li> 
89                                        <#list fiCardsData as fib> 
90                                            <#if (fib.offerType == "${currentOffer}")> 
91                                            <#if (fib.offerType=="128" || fib.offerType=="143")> 
92                                                <h3>Intro APR<sup>*</sup> for Purchases and Balance Transfers</h3> 
93                                                <p>${fib.APR} <a href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer#termsAndCond-details" 
94                                                    target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a> 
95                                                </p> 
96                                            <#else> 
97                                                <h3>Annual Fee</h3> 
98                                                <p> 
99                                                    <#if (fib.offerType == "123")> 
100                                                     Annual Fee: ${fib.Annual} 
101                                                    <#else> 
102                                                     ${fib.Annual}  
103                                                    </#if> 
104                                                    <a href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer#termsAndCond-details" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a> 
105                                                </p> 
106                                            </#if> 
107                                            </#if> 
108                                        </#list> 
109                                    </li> 
110                                </ul> 
111                            </div> 
113                    </article> 
114                 </div> 
115            </section> 
116        </div> 
117        <script> 
118            var partnerName = "${partnerName!0}" 
119            if("${currentOffer}" ==  "101") { 
120              document.title = "Cash Bonus Unlimited Rewards | "+partnerName+" Real Rewards Credit Card"; 
121              var metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Real Rewards Card. Limited Time Offer. Take home 2,500 bonus points after your first purchase. Earn 1.5 points for every $1 you spend on eligible net purchases (equal to 1.5% cash back) with the "+partnerName+" Real Rewards Card."; 
122              var m = document.createElement('meta');  
123     = 'description';  
124              m.content = metaDesc;  
125              document.head.appendChild(m); 
127            else if("${currentOffer}" ==  "108") { 
128              document.title = ""+partnerName+" Consumer Platinum Credit Card"; 
129              var metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Platinum Card. Limited Time Offer. 0% Intro APR on Purchases and Balance Transfers for 15 Billing Cycles Consolidate your Balances with the "+partnerName+" Platinum Card."; 
130              var m = document.createElement('meta');  
131     = 'description';  
132              m.content = metaDesc;  
133              document.head.appendChild(m); 
135            else if("${currentOffer}" ==  "115") { 
136              document.title = ""+partnerName+" Consumer Secured Card"; 
137              var metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Secured Card. Perfect for anyone who wants to improve or establish their credit. Earn interest on your companion secured savings account with the "+partnerName+" Secured Card."; 
138              var m = document.createElement('meta');  
139     = 'description';  
140              m.content = metaDesc;  
141              document.head.appendChild(m); 
143            else if("${currentOffer}" ==  "128") { 
144              document.title = ""+partnerName+" Business Cash Card"; 
145              var metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Business Cash Back Card. $25 Bonus Reward applied to your account after your first purchase. Earn 3% cash back on eligible net purchases from office supply stores and phone, internet and cable TV services with the "+partnerName+" Business Cash Back Card."; 
146              var m = document.createElement('meta');  
147     = 'description';  
148              m.content = metaDesc;  
149              document.head.appendChild(m); 
151            else if("${currentOffer}" ==  "143") { 
152              document.title = ""+partnerName+" Business Real Rewards "; 
153              var metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+"Business Real Rewards Card. Take home 2,500 bonus points after your first purchase. Earn 1.5 points for every $1 you spend on eligible net purchases (equal to 1.5% cash back) with the "+partnerName+" Business Real Rewards Card."; 
154              var m = document.createElement('meta');  
155     = 'description';  
156              m.content = metaDesc;  
157              document.head.appendChild(m); 
159            else if("${currentOffer}" ==  "123") { 
160              document.title = ""+partnerName+" Business Real Rewards Plus"; 
161              var metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Business Real Rewards Plus Card. Earn 20,000 bonus rewards points after you spend $2,000 in the first 3 months. Earn 3 points for every $1 of purchases in the category you spend the most on: cellular phone services, hotel or airline with the "+partnerName+" Business Real Rewards Plus Card. "; 
162              var m = document.createElement('meta');  
163     = 'description';  
164              m.content = metaDesc;  
165              document.head.appendChild(m); 
168            AUI().ready(function() {  
169                jQuery('.styled-select select').change(function() { 
170                    location.href = this.value; 
171                }); 
173                $('.jn-subhero ul').each(function() { 
174                    var $this = $(this), 
175                        li = $this.find('li').length; 
176                        console.log($this.find('li').length) 
177                    if(li === 2){ 
178                        $this.addClass('two-items'); 
180                }); 
182            }); 
183        </script> 
184    <#else> 
185        <script> 
186            console.log("FI Cards Data empty"); 
187            //location.href = '${url404}'; 
188        </script> 
189    </#if> 
192    <script> 
193            console.log("offerID missing"); 
194           // location.href = '${url404}'; 
195        </script> 
198    <script> 
199            console.log("offerID missing"); 
200            //location.href = '${url404}'; 
201        </script> 
Virhe tapahtui prosessoidessa esitysmallia.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> content  [in template "10154#10192#152860851" at line 3, column 15]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${content.getData()}  [in template "10154#10192#152860851" at line 3, column 13]
1<div class="content-container"> 
2        <div class="jn-disclaimer tier3-disclaimer-${class.getData()}"> 
3            ${content.getData()} 
4        </div> 
5    </div> 
Virhe tapahtui prosessoidessa esitysmallia.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> request.attributes  [in template "10154#10192#152860854" at line 1, column 16]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign url = request.attributes.CURR...  [in template "10154#10192#152860854" at line 1, column 1]
1<#assign url = request.attributes.CURRENT_URL > 
2<#assign qstringmap = httpUtil.getParameterMap(httpUtil.getQueryString(url))> 
4<#assign lc= qstringmap["ecdma-lc"]?first> 
6  src="" 
7  integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" 
8  crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 
9<div id="footerIdAdPlatinum"> 
10    ${footerContent.getData()} 
14        jQuery('#footerIdAdPlatinum').find('.copyright').html('<sup>©</sup> Elan Financial Services 2020').addClass('ecdma-footer-client-name-copyright'); 
15        jQuery('#footerIdAdPlatinum').find('.fdic').html('<a href="'+${lc!0}+'" target="_blank">Privacy and Security</a>'); 