An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> synExclusionMessageService.getClientProfileAndSyndicatedExclusionMsg  [in template "10154#10192#153417688" at line 76, column 36]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign synExclusionMessageData = syn...  [in template "10154#10192#153417688" at line 76, column 1]
1<#assign url = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent()/> 
2<#assign oadURL = propsUtil.get('elan.oad.url') > 
3<#assign qstringmap = httpUtil.getParameterMap(httpUtil.getQueryString(url))> 
4<#assign utilServ = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.utilites.service.CRCRemoteServiceService"))! /> 
5<#assign url404 = '/error/404.html'> 
6<#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
7<#assign currentEnvironment = 'prod' > 
8<#assign prcaURL = propsUtil.get('elan.prca.url')> 
10<#assign lc= qstringmap["ecdma-lc"]?first>   
11<#assign lc = htmlUtil.escape(lc)> 
12<#assign lc = htmlUtil.escapeJS(lc)> 
14<#assign prefix = "00000" > 
15<#assign lcWithPrefix = prefix + lc > 
16<#assign withPrefixLength = lcWithPrefix?length > 
17<#assign startHere = withPrefixLength - 5> 
18<#assign lc = lcWithPrefix?substring(startHere)> 
21<#if qstringmap["ecid"]?has_content> 
22    <#assign ecidExt = qstringmap["ecid"]?first> 
23    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escape(ecidExt)> 
24    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escapeJS(ecidExt)> 
25    <#assign ecidExt = "&ecid=" + ecidExt> 
27    <#assign ecidExt=""> 
29<#if oadURL?contains("uat-")> 
30    <#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
31    <#assign currentEnvironment = 'uat' > 
33    <#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
35    <script> 
36        //console.log('%ccurrentEnvironment: ', 'font-weight: bold; color: green;', '${currentEnvironment}'); 
37    </script> 
38<#assign campaignId = "" > 
39<#assign useprcaValue = "" > 
40<#assign ecidExt=""> 
41<#if qstringmap["ecid"]?has_content> 
42    <#assign campaignId = qstringmap["ecid"]?first > 
43    <#assign campaignId = htmlUtil.escape(campaignId)> 
44    <#assign campaignId = htmlUtil.escapeJS(campaignId)> 
46    <#assign ecidExt = qstringmap["ecid"]?first> 
47    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escape(ecidExt)> 
48    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escapeJS(ecidExt)> 
49    <#assign ecidExt = "&ecid=" + ecidExt> 
52<#assign dcoSourceCode = ""> 
53<#assign dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter = ""> 
55<#if qstringmap["sourcecode"]?has_content> 
56    <#assign dcoSourceCode = qstringmap["sourcecode"]?first> 
57    <#assign dcoSourceCode = htmlUtil.escape(dcoSourceCode)> 
58    <#assign dcoSourceCode = htmlUtil.escapeJS(dcoSourceCode)> 
59    <#assign dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter = "&sourcecode=${dcoSourceCode}"> 
60<#elseif qstringmap["sourceCode"]?has_content> 
61    <#assign dcoSourceCode = qstringmap["sourceCode"]?first> 
62    <#assign dcoSourceCode = htmlUtil.escape(dcoSourceCode)> 
63    <#assign dcoSourceCode = htmlUtil.escapeJS(dcoSourceCode)> 
64    <#assign dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter = "&sourcecode=${dcoSourceCode}"> 
67<#assign clientProfileService = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.user.service.CrcClientProfileLocalService"))! > 
68<#assign clientProfileList = clientProfileService.findByLocationCode(lc)> 
69<#assign clientProfile = clientProfileList?first> 
70<#assign partnerName = clientProfile.getMarketingNameLong()> 
71<#assign pbu = clientProfile.getPbu()> 
72<#assign subbu = clientProfile.getSUBBRANDBUNBR()> 
73<#assign cdnCardArtUrl = (propsUtil.get('rackspace.cdn.cardart.url'))!> 
75<#assign synExclusionMessageService = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.quicklink.service.SYNExclusionMessageLocalService"))! /> 
76<#assign synExclusionMessageData = synExclusionMessageService.getClientProfileAndSyndicatedExclusionMsg(lc) /> 
77<#assign synExclusionMsg = "" /> 
78<#assign synExclusionMsgURL = "" /> 
79<#assign synExclusionMsgAriaLabel = "" /> 
81<#if synExclusionMessageData?exists && synExclusionMessageData?has_content> 
82    <#assign synExclusionMsgObj = synExclusionMessageData[0]> 
83    <#assign synExclusionMsg = synExclusionMsgObj[4]!"" /> 
84    <#assign synExclusionMsgURL = synExclusionMsgObj[5]!"" /> 
85    <#assign synExclusionMsgAriaLabel = synExclusionMsgObj[6]!"" /> 
90<#assign fiCardsData=utilServ.makeCall('crcTier3GetPbuData','0&'+ pbu + '&'+subbu + '&' + lc)> 
91<#assign temp = []> 
92<#assign consumerCards = []> 
93<#assign businessCards = []>  
94<#assign offerTypeList = []>       
95<#assign index = 0> 
96<#assign consumerOfferTypes = ["101", "103", "108", "109", "115", "104", "141", "147", "138", "154"]> 
97<#assign businessOfferTypes = ["128", "121", "143", "144"]> 
98<#list fiCardsData as fib>  
99   <#assign useprcaValue = fib.useprca!""> 
100    <#if (fib.offerType?has_content && !(offerTypeList?seq_contains(fib.offerType)))> 
101        <#assign offerTypeList = offerTypeList + [fib.offerType]>  
102        <#if (consumerOfferTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
103            <#assign consumerCards = consumerCards + fiCardsData[index..index]> 
104        <#elseif (businessOfferTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
105            <#assign businessCards = businessCards + fiCardsData[index..index]> 
106        </#if>                            
107        <#assign temp = temp + fiCardsData[index..index]>  
108    </#if>   
109    <#assign index = index + 1>               
112<#assign fiCardsData = temp> 
113 <script> 
114    //console.log("fi card data count", ${fiCardsData?size}) 
117<#assign clientdata = utilServ.makeCall('crcDDCTier1Customizations','0&'+pbu+'&'+subbu+'&11')> 
118<#if (clientdata?size > 0)> 
119    <#assign backgroundColor = clientdata[0].backgroundHexColor>               
122<#if (fiCardsData?size > 0)>    
123    <style> 
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125            position: fixed; 
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132            justify-content: center; 
133            align-items: center; 
136        .excludeModal__container { 
137            background-color: #fff; 
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144            box-sizing: border-box; 
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196        .micromodal-slide { 
197            display: none; 
200 { 
201            display: block; 
204        .micromodal-slide[aria-hidden="false"] .excludeModal__overlay { 
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208        .micromodal-slide[aria-hidden="false"] .excludeModal__container { 
209            animation: mmslideIn .3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1); 
212        .micromodal-slide[aria-hidden="true"] .excludeModal__overlay { 
213            animation: mmfadeOut .3s cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1); 
216        .micromodal-slide[aria-hidden="true"] .excludeModal__container { 
217            animation: mmslideOut .3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1); 
220        .micromodal-slide .excludeModal__container, 
221        .micromodal-slide .excludeModal__overlay { 
222            will-change: transform; 
225		.excludeModal__link { 
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232		.excludeModal__link a:hover { 
233			text-decoration: underline !important; 
236		#excludeModalDivLink { 
237			margin-top: 20px 
239    </style> 
240    <#if url?contains("index")>   
241        <#assign isExcluded = 0>                
242        <#assign offerId = ""> 
243        <#assign sourceCode = ""> 
244        <#assign cardArtImage = ""> 
245        <#assign productUrlHero = ""> 
246        <#assign product = ""> 
247        <#assign cardIndex = 0> 
248        <#if (class.getData() == "landing-consumer" && consumerCards?size > 0)> 
249            <#if (offerTypeList?seq_contains("108")) ||  (offerTypeList?seq_contains("109"))> 
250                <#list consumerCards as card> 
251                    <#if (card.offerType=="108") || (card.offerType=="109")> 
252                        <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
253                        <#if card.dmaexclude??> 
254                            <#assign isExcluded = card.dmaexclude?number!0> 
255                        </#if>  
256                        <#assign offerId = card.offerId> 
257                        <#assign sourceCode = card.sourceCode> 
258                        <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+card.filename+".png"> 
259                        <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+card.filename+".jpg"> 
261                        <#assign productUrlHero="consumer-platinum2103"> 
262                        <#assign product="Platinum"> 
263                        <#assign cardIndex = 1> 
264                        <#assign scrapedData = utilServ.makeCall('crcDDCGetSchumerBox', offerId + '&' + sourceCode)> 
265                        <#if (scrapedData?size > 0)> 
266                            <#list scrapedData as sItem> 
267                                <#if ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
268                                    <#assign apr = sItem.scrapedValue?replace("(\n|\r\n|\r)+", " ","r")> 
269                                    <#break> 
270                                </#if> 
271                            </#list> 
272                            <script> 
273                                $(document).ready(function () { 
274                                    var aprText = "${apr}"; 
275                                    //console.log('aprText: ${aprText!''}'); 
276                                    if (aprText) { 
277                                        $(".apr-full-text").html(aprText); 
278                                        try { 
279                                            var matches= aprText.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?%?/g); 
280                                            var billing_cycle = matches[1]; 
281                                            var apr_min = apr_min = matches[2]; 
282                                            var apr_max = apr_max = matches[3]; 
283                                            //console.log('billing_cycle', billing_cycle); 
284                                            //console.log('apr_min', apr_min); 
285                                            //console.log('apr_max', apr_max); 
286                                            if (billing_cycle) { 
287                                                //console.log($(".scraped-billing-cycle")); 
288                                                $(".scraped-billing-cycle").html(billing_cycle); 
290                                            if (apr_min) { 
291                                                $(".scraped-apr-min").html(apr_min); 
293                                            if (apr_max) { 
294                                                $('.scraped-apr-max').html(apr_max); 
297                                        } catch (e) { 
298                                            console.log(e); 
301                                }); 
302                            </script> 
303                        </#if> 
304                        <script> 
305                            $(document).ready(function () { 
306                                $(".see-terms").replaceWith('<a href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&offerId=${card.offerId}&locationCode=${lc}"  target="_blank"><span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions</a>'); 
307                            }); 
308                        </script> 
309                    </#if>                   
310                </#list> 
311            <#else> 
312                <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
313                <#if consumerCards[0].dmaexclude??> 
314                    <#assign isExcluded = consumerCards[0].dmaexclude?number!0> 
315                </#if>    
316                <#assign displayedCard = consumerCards[0]> 
317                <#assign offerId = displayedCard.offerId> 
318                <#assign sourceCode = displayedCard.sourceCode> 
319                <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+ displayedCard.filename + ".png"> 
320                <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+ displayedCard.filename + ".jpg"> 
321                <#if (displayedCard.offerType=="108" || displayedCard.offerType=="109")> 
322                    <#assign productUrlHero="consumer-platinum"> 
323                    <#assign product="Platinum"> 
324                    <#assign cardIndex = 1> 
325                <#elseif (displayedCard.offerType=="104")> 
326                    <#assign productUrlHero = "max-cash"> 
327                    <#assign product="Max Cash Preferred"> 
328                    <#assign cardIndex = 0> 
329                <#elseif (displayedCard.offerType=="115")> 
330                    <#assign productUrlHero = "secured"> 
331                    <#assign product="Secured"> 
332                    <#assign cardIndex = 2> 
333                </#if> 
334            </#if> 
335            <#if product?has_content && product != ""> 
336                <#assign card_text = product + " Card"> 
337            </#if>  
338        </#if> 
339        <#if (class.getData() == "landing-business" && businessCards?size > 0)> 
340            <#if (offerTypeList?seq_contains("128")) > 
341                <#list businessCards as card> 
342                    <#if (card.offerType=="128")> 
343                        <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
344                        <#if card.dmaexclude??> 
345                            <#assign isExcluded = card.dmaexclude?number!0>  
346                        </#if> 
347                        <#assign offerId = card.offerId> 
348                        <#assign sourceCode = card.sourceCode> 
349                        <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+card.filename+".png"> 
350                        <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+card.filename+".jpg"> 
352                        <#assign productUrlHero="business-cash-preferred"> 
353                        <#assign product="Business Cash Preferred"> 
354                        <#assign cardIndex = 1> 
355                    </#if> 
356                </#list> 
357            <#else> 
358                <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
359                <#if businessCards[0].dmaexclude??> 
360                    <#assign isExcluded = businessCards[0].dmaexclude?number!0> 
361                </#if>  
362                <#assign displayedCard = businessCards[0]> 
363                <#assign offerId = displayedCard.offerId> 
364                <#assign sourceCode = displayedCard.sourceCode> 
365                <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+ displayedCard.filename + ".png"> 
366                <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+ displayedCard.filename + ".jpg"> 
367                <#if (displayedCard.offerType=="143")> 
368                    <#assign productUrlHero="business-real-rewards"> 
369                    <#assign product="Business Real Rewards"> 
370                    <#assign cardIndex = 2> 
371                <#elseif (displayedCard.offerType=="144")> 
372                    <#assign productUrlHero="smart-business-rewards"> 
373                    <#assign product="Smart Business Rewards"> 
374                    <#assign cardIndex = 0> 
375                <#elseif (displayedCard.offerType=="121")> 
376                    <#assign productUrlHero = "business-platinum"> 
377                    <#assign product="Business"> 
378                    <#assign cardIndex = 3>                     
379                </#if> 
380            </#if> 
381            <#if product?has_content && product != ""> 
382                <#assign card_text = product + " Card"> 
383            </#if>  
384        </#if>		 
385            <div class="hero-container product-${productUrlHero} tier3-hero-${class.getData()}"> 
386                <div class="hero-main"> 
387                    <div class="hero-main-container"> 
388                        <div class="hero-main-offer"> 
389                            <div class="offer-detail"> 
390                                <div class="offer-detail-cardArt cardArtImg"> 
391                                    <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${partnerName!''}" title="${partnerName!''}" 
392                                    class="jn-img-responsive" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='${cardArtImageAlt!''}'">  
393                                    <#-- <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${partnerName!''}" title="${partnerName!'' }" 
394                                     class="jn-img-responsive">--> 
395                                    <p>${card_text!''}</p> 
396                                </div> 
397                                <div class="offer-detail-text text-color-default hide-desktop"> 
398                                    ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineFeature.getData()}                                 
399                                </div>                                                                        
400                                <#if isExcluded == 0>    
401								<#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
402								<form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${offerId}&preparerType=customer" method="post"> 
403									<input id='locationCode' type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}"> 
404									<input id='offerId' type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${offerId}"> 
405									<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer">  
406                                    </form> 
407								<a  
408									class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
409									data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
410									data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
411									href="#" 
412									offerId="${offerId!''}" 
413									onclick="submitForm(event)"									 
415									${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
416								</a> 
420							<#else> 
421								<a  
422									class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
423									data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
424									data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
425									href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${offerId}&preparerType=customer${dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter}"                                    
427									${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
428								</a> 
429							</#if> 
431                                <#else> 
432                                    <a  
433                                        class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
434                                        data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
435                                        data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
436                                        data-micromodal-trigger="modal-index-hero" 
437                                        href="javascript:void(0);" 
439                                        ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
440                                    </a> 
441                                </#if> 
442                            </div> 
443                            <div class="offer-header"> 
444                                <div class="offer-text-top"> 
445                                    ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineText.getData()} 
446                                </div> 
447                                <div class="offer-text-bottom hide-mobile"> 
448                                    <div class="offer-detail-text text-color-default "> 
449                                        ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineFeature.getData()}                                        
450                                    </div> 
452                                    <#if isExcluded == 0>  
453									<#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
454									 <form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${offerId}&preparerType=customer" method="post"> 
455												<input id='locationCode' type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}"> 
456												<input id='offerId' type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${offerId!''}"> 
457												<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer">	 
458												</form> 
459									<a  
460                                            class="jn-button"  
461                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
462                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}" 
463                                            href="#" 
464											offerId="${offerId!''}" 
465											onclick="submitForm(event)" 
467                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
468                                        </a> 
470									     <#else> 
471                                        <a  
472                                            class="jn-button"  
473                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
474                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}" 
475                                            href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${offerId}&preparerType=customer${dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter}"  
477                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
478                                        </a> 
479										</#if> 
480                                    <#else> 
481                                        <a  
482                                            class="jn-button"  
483                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
484                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}" 
485                                            data-micromodal-trigger="modal-index-hero" 
486                                            href="javascript:void(0);" 
488                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
489                                        </a> 
490                                    </#if> 
491                                </div> 
492                            </div>                           
493                        </div> 
494                    </div> 
495                </div> 
496            </div> 
498            <div aria-hidden="true" class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-index-hero" > 
499                <div class="excludeModal__overlay" data-micromodal-close tabindex="-1"> 
500                    <div  
501                        aria-modal="true"  
502                        aria-labelledby="modal-index-hero-title"  
503                        class="excludeModal__container"  
504                        role="dialog" 
506                        <button aria-label="Close modal" class="excludeModal__close" data-micromodal-close></button> 
507                        <header class="excludeModal__header"> 
508						<div> 
509                            <h2 class="excludeModal__title" id="modal-index-hero-title"> 
510								<#if synExclusionMsg?has_content> 
511									${synExclusionMsg} 
512                                <#elseif productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage?? > 
513                                    ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage.getData()!""} 
514                                </#if> 
515                            </h2> 
516						</div> 
517						<div id="excludeModalDivLink"> 
518							<#if synExclusionMsgURL?has_content> 
519								<p> 
520									<a href="${synExclusionMsgURL}" target="_blank" aria-label="${synExclusionMsgAriaLabel!''}" class="excludeModal__link"> 
521										Learn more 
522									</a> 
523								</p> 
524							</#if> 
525						</div> 
526                        </header> 
527                    </div> 
528                </div> 
529            </div> 
530    <#else>      
531        <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false> 
532        <#list fiCardsData as fib>     
533            <#switch fib.offerType>     
534                <#case "101"> 
535                    <#assign cardIndex = 3 > 
536                    <#assign productUrlHero = "consumer-edr"> 
537                    <#assign product="Everyday Rewards+">                     
538                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
539                    <#break>  
540                <#case "103">              
541                    <#assign cardIndex = 3 > 
542                    <#assign productUrlHero = "consumer-edr"> 
543                    <#assign product="Everyday Rewards+">                     
544                     <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
545                   <#break>          
546                <#case "104"> 
547                    <#assign cardIndex = 0 > 
548                    <#assign productUrlHero="max-cash"> 
549                    <#assign product="Max Cash Preferred">                       
550                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
551                    <#break> 
552                <#case "108"> 
553                    <#assign cardIndex = 1 > 
554                    <#assign productUrlHero = "consumer-platinum"> 
555                    <#assign product="Platinum">     
556                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = true>                   
557                    <#break> 
558                <#case "109"> 
559                    <#assign cardIndex = 1 > 
560                    <#assign productUrlHero = "consumer-platinum"> 
561                    <#assign product="Platinum">    
562                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = true>                                                          
563                    <#break>                                         
564                 <#case "141">                  
565                    <#assign cardIndex = 4 > 
566                    <#assign productUrlHero = "college-real-rewards"> 
567                    <#assign product = "College Real Rewards" >  
568                     <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
569                   <#break>  
570                <#case "147"> 
571                    <#assign cardIndex = 5 > 
572                    <#assign productUrlHero = "max-cash-secured"> 
573                    <#assign product = "Max Cash Secured" >  
574                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
575                    <#break>   
576                <#case "115"> 
577                    <#assign cardIndex = 2 > 
578                    <#assign productUrlHero = "secured"> 
579                    <#assign product="Secured">                     
580                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
581                    <#break>  
582                <#case "138"> 
583                    <#assign cardIndex = 6 > 
584                    <#assign productUrlHero = "travel-rewards-plus"> 
585                    <#assign product="Travel Rewards+">                     
586                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
587                    <#break>  
588                <#case "154"> 
589                    <#assign cardIndex = 7 > 
590                    <#assign productUrlHero = "reserve-rewards-plus"> 
591                    <#assign product="Reserve Rewards+">                     
592                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
593                    <#break>  
594                <#case "128"> 
595                    <#assign cardIndex = 1 > 
596                    <#assign productUrlHero = "business-cash-preferred"> 
597                    <#assign product="Business Cash Preferred">                     
598                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
599                    <#break>     
600                <#case "143"> 
601                    <#assign cardIndex = 2 > 
602                    <#assign productUrlHero = "business-real-rewards"> 
603                    <#assign product="Business Real Rewards">                     
604                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
605                    <#break>     
606                <#case "144"> 
607                    <#assign cardIndex = 0 > 
608                    <#assign productUrlHero = "smart-business-rewards"> 
609                    <#assign product="Smart Business Rewards">                                          
610                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
611                    <#break>                                   
612                <#case "121"> 
613                    <#assign cardIndex = 3 > 
614                    <#assign productUrlHero = "business-platinum"> 
615                    <#assign product="Business">                      
616                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
617                    <#break>                                      
618                <#default> 
619            </#switch>                          
620            <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/" + fib.filename + ".png">  
621            <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/" + fib.filename + ".jpg">   
623            <script> 
624               console.log("offerType ${fib.offerType} productUrlHero ${productUrlHero} show calculator ${hasBalanceTransferCalculator?c}")                         
625            </script> 
627            <#if url?matches(".*/${productUrlHero}\\?.*")>  
628                <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
629				 <script> 
630               console.log("fib.dmaexclude------>"+'${fib.dmaexclude}');                        
631            </script> 
632                <#if fib.dmaexclude??> 
633                    <#assign isExcluded = fib.dmaexclude?number!0> 
634                </#if>    
635                <#if (fib.offerType=="108" || fib.offerType=="109" || fib.offerType == "121")> 
637                    <#assign scrapedData = utilServ.makeCall('crcDDCGetSchumerBox', '${fib.offerId}' + '&'+ '${fib.sourceCode}')> 
638                    <#if (scrapedData?size > 0)> 
639                            <#list scrapedData as sItem> 
640                                <#if ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
641                                    <#assign apr = sItem.scrapedValue?replace("(\n|\r\n|\r)+", " ","r")> 
642                                    <#break> 
643                                </#if> 
645                            </#list> 
646                            <script> 
647                                $(document).ready(function () { 
648                                    var aprText = "${apr}"; 
649                                    //console.log('aprText',aprText); 
650                                    if (aprText) { 
651                                      $(".apr-full-text").html(aprText); 
652                                        try { 
653                                            var matches= aprText.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?%?/g); 
654                                            var billing_cycle = matches[1]; 
655                                            var apr_min = apr_min = matches[2]; 
656                                            var apr_max = apr_max = matches[3]; 
657                                            //console.log('billing_cycle', billing_cycle); 
658                                            //console.log('apr_min', apr_min); 
659                                            //console.log('apr_max', apr_max); 
660                                            if (billing_cycle) { 
661                                                //console.log($(".scraped-billing-cycle")); 
662                                                $(".scraped-billing-cycle").html(billing_cycle); 
664                                            if (apr_min) { 
665                                                $(".scraped-apr-min").html(apr_min); 
667                                            if (apr_max) { 
668                                                $('.scraped-apr-max').html(apr_max); 
671                                        } catch (e) { 
672                                            console.log(e); 
675                                }); 
676                            </script> 
677                    </#if>   
678                </#if>      
679                <#if product?has_content && product != ""> 
680                    <#assign card_text = product + " Card"> 
681                </#if>    
682                <#assign tc_offerTypes = ['108', '109', '121', '144']> 
683                <#assign calculator_offerTypes = ['101', '104', '138', '154', '128', '143', '144']> 
684                <div class="hero-container ${class.getData()}"> 
685                    <div class="hero-main"> 
686                        <div class="hero-main-container"> 
687                            <div class="hero-main-offer"> 
688                                <div class="offer-detail"> 
689                                    <div class="offer-detail-cardArt cardArtImg"> 
690                                        <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${partnerName!''}" title="${partnerName!''}" 
691                                        onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='${cardArtImageAlt!''}'" class="jn-img-responsive"> 
692                                        <p>${card_text!''}</p> 
693                                        <#if (hasBalanceTransferCalculator)> 
694                                            <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-micromodal-trigger="modal-2"aria-hidden="true" >See how much you could save with a balance transfer</a> 
695                                        </#if> 
696                                    </div> 
697                                    <div class="offer-detail-text text-color-default hide-desktop"> 
698                                        ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineFeature.getData()} 
700                                        <#if (tc_offerTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
701                                            <a href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&offerId=${fib.offerId}&locationCode=${lc}"  target="_blank"> 
702                                                <span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions 
703                                            </a> 
704                                        </#if> 
705                                        <#if (calculator_offerTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
706                                            <a class="whiteLink" onclick='ga("send", "event", "click", "Rewards Calculator", "Outbound Link");' target="_blank" href="${lc}">Calculate Rewards</a> 
707                                        </#if> 
708                                    </div> 
710                                    <#if isExcluded == 0> 
711									 <#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
712									  <form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${fib.offerId!''}&preparerType=customer" method="post"> 
713								<input id='locationCode' type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}"> 
714								<input id='offerId' type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${fib.offerId!''}"> 
715								<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer"> 
716								</form> 
718									  <a  
719                                            class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
720                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
721                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"   
722                                            href="#"  
723											offerId="${fib.offerId!''}" 
724											onclick="submitForm(event)" > 
725                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
726                                        </a> 
728									     <#else> 
729                                        <a  
730                                            class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
731                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
732                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"   
733                                            href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${fib.offerId}&preparerType=customer${dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter}"                               
735                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
737                                        </a> 
738										</#if> 
739                                    <#else> 
740                                        <a                                              
741                                            class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
742                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
743                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"    
744                                            data-micromodal-trigger="modal-product-hero" 
745                                            href="javascript:void(0);"                             
747                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
748                                        </a> 
749                                    </#if> 
750                                </div> 
751                                <div class="offer-header"> 
752                                    <div class="offer-text-top"> 
753                                        ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineText.getData()} 
754                                    </div> 
755                                    <div class="offer-text-bottom hide-mobile"> 
756                                        <div class="offer-detail-text text-color-default "> 
757                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineFeature.getData()} 
758                                            <#if (tc_offerTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
759                                                <a class="whiteLink" href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&offerId=${fib.offerId}&locationCode=${lc}"  target="_blank"> 
760                                                    <span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions 
761                                                </a> 
762                                            </#if> 
763                                        </div> 
765                                         <#if isExcluded == 0>  
766										    <#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
767											<form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${fib.offerId}&preparerType=customer"  method="post" >	 
768													<input id='locationCode' type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}"> 
769													<input id='offerId' type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${fib.offerId!''}"> 
770													<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer"> 
771													</form> 
772                                            <a  
773                                                class="jn-button"  
774                                                data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
775                                                data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
776                                                href="#"  
777												offerId="${fib.offerId!''}" 
778												onclick="submitForm(event)" > 
779                                                ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
780                                            </a> 
782											 <#else> 
783											   <a  
784                                                class="jn-button"  
785                                                data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
786                                                data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
787                                                href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${fib.offerId}&preparerType=customer${dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter}"  
789                                                ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
791                                            </a> 
792											 </#if> 
793                                         <#else> 
794                                            <a  
795                                                class="jn-button"  
796                                                data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
797                                                data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
798                                                data-micromodal-trigger="modal-product-hero" 
799                                                href="javascript:void(0);"  
801                                                ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
802                                            </a> 
803                                         </#if> 
804                                         <#if (calculator_offerTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
805                                            <a class="whiteLink" onclick='ga("send", "event", "click", "Rewards Calculator", "Outbound Link");' target="_blank" href="${lc}">Calculate Rewards</a> 
806                                        </#if> 
807                                    </div> 
808                                </div> 
810                            </div> 
811                        </div> 
812                    </div> 
813                </div> 
815                <div aria-hidden="true" class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-product-hero" > 
816                    <div class="excludeModal__overlay" data-micromodal-close tabindex="-1"> 
817                        <div  
818                            aria-modal="true"  
819                            aria-labelledby="modal-prodcut-hero-title"  
820                            class="excludeModal__container"  
821                            role="dialog" 
823                            <button aria-label="Close modal" class="excludeModal__close" data-micromodal-close></button> 
824                            <header class="excludeModal__header"> 
825							<div> 
826                                <h2 class="excludeModal__title" id="modal-prodcut-hero-title"> 
827                                    <#if synExclusionMsg?has_content> 
828										${synExclusionMsg} 
829									<#elseif productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage?? > 
830										${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage.getData()!""} 
831									</#if> 
832                                </h2> 
833							</div> 
834							<div id="excludeModalDivLink"> 
835								<#if synExclusionMsgURL?has_content> 
836									<p> 
837										<a href="${synExclusionMsgURL}" target="_blank" aria-label="${synExclusionMsgAriaLabel!''}" class="excludeModal__link"> 
838											Learn more 
839										</a> 
840									</p> 
841								</#if> 
842							</div> 
843                            </header> 
844                        </div> 
845                    </div> 
846                </div> 
847                <#break /> 
848            </#if> 
849        </#list>    
851    </#if> 
853<!-- --> 
854<script src=""></script> 
858    AUI().ready(function(){ 
859        //The below script is there to add vertical card art in UAT only so that QA has an easier time auditing. Note that the script only applies to FI SouthState (location code 20419) which is currently the only bank with vertical card art at the moment  
860        var locationCodeParam = '${lc}'; 
861        var currentEnvironmentParam = '${currentEnvironment}'; 
862        if(locationCodeParam == '20419' && currentEnvironmentParam == 'uat'){ 
863  '.cardArtImg')).map(function(e){e.firstElementChild.src = ""}) 
864        }    
866        MicroModal.init();      
867    }); 
870    if(typeof setHeaderBackground === 'undefined') { let setHeaderBackground = () => {};} 
871    setHeaderBackground = () => { 
872        // Makes the Header subtitle work if there is two lines of text  
873        //product page header 
874        var consumerHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("landing-consumer")[0]; 
875        if(!consumerHeader) { 
876            //index page header 
877            consumerHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("tier3-hero-landing-consumer")[0]; 
880        if(consumerHeader) { 
881            var consumerHeroContainer = consumerHeader.getElementsByClassName("hero-main-container")[0]; 
882            var consumerOfferHeader = consumerHeader.getElementsByClassName("offer-subtitle")[0]; 
883            const offerTextTop = consumerHeader.querySelector(".offer-text-top"); 
885            if (consumerOfferHeader.innerText.length >= 76){ 
886                const gradientHeight = Math.max(offerTextTop.offsetHeight + 40, 200) + "px"; 
887                //two lines 
888                // = '0px'; 
889                //document.querySelector('.offer-text-bottom').style.marginTop = '25px'; 
890                //prevent button and text going into blue section 
891                //consumerHeader.querySelector('.offer-text-top h1').style.minHeight = "120px"; 
892       = "linear-gradient(180deg, ${backgroundColor!'#173989'} " + gradientHeight + ", #f8f8f8 " + gradientHeight + ")"; 
895        //product page header 
896        var buisnessHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("landing-business")[0]; 
897        if(!buisnessHeader) { 
898            //index page header 
899            buisnessHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("tier3-hero-landing-business")[0]; 
902        if(buisnessHeader) { 
903            var buisnessHeroContainer = buisnessHeader.getElementsByClassName("hero-main-container")[0]; 
904            var buisnessOfferHeader = buisnessHeader.getElementsByClassName("offer-subtitle")[0]; 
906            if (buisnessOfferHeader.innerText.length >= 48){ 
907                //two lines 
908       = "linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255,255,255,1) 45%, ${backgroundColor!'#173989'} 45%)"; 
911    }; 
912    /* 
913        sometimes this runs before the text height it is refercning is loaded. Resulting in incorect background styles. If only in aui.ready then it flashes incorect styles then goes to correct styles everytime. 
914        With the aui.ready and imediate call it normal loads correctly but if it loads before header text it will still flash incorect styles and then be fixed. 
915    */ 
916    setHeaderBackground(); 
917    AUI().ready(function(){setHeaderBackground();});	 
922    var excluded = '${isExcluded}';  
923	var useprcaValue = '${useprcaValue}'; 
924	var url23 ='${url}'; 
925    function submitForm(event) { 
926        event.preventDefault(); 
927		var offerId ="offerId");		 
928		console.log("offerId::::::::::::::"+offerId); 
930        var lc = document.getElementById('locationCode').value; 
931        //var offerId = document.getElementById('offerId').value; 
932		//var sourceCode = document.getElementById('sourceCode').value; 
934        // Construct the URL         
935		var url = "${prcaURL}?locationCode=" + lc + "&offerId=" + offerId + "&preparerType=customer"; 
938        // Set the form action to the constructed URL 
939        document.getElementById('applyForm').action = url; 
941        // Submit the form 
942		postCreditcardLearnMore(url); 
943        //document.getElementById('applyForm').submit(); 
945	function postCreditcardLearnMore(path, method='post') { 
946    // Create a form element 
947    const form = document.createElement('form'); 
948    form.method = method; 
949	// = '_blank'; // Open in a new tab 
950    form.action = path; 
952    // Add each parameter as a hidden input field     
954    document.body.appendChild(form); 
955    form.submit(); 
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> synExclusionMessageService.getClientProfileAndSyndicatedExclusionMsg  [in template "10154#10192#153417688" at line 76, column 36]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign synExclusionMessageData = syn...  [in template "10154#10192#153417688" at line 76, column 1]
1<#assign url = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent()/> 
2<#assign oadURL = propsUtil.get('elan.oad.url') > 
3<#assign qstringmap = httpUtil.getParameterMap(httpUtil.getQueryString(url))> 
4<#assign utilServ = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.utilites.service.CRCRemoteServiceService"))! /> 
5<#assign url404 = '/error/404.html'> 
6<#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
7<#assign currentEnvironment = 'prod' > 
8<#assign prcaURL = propsUtil.get('elan.prca.url')> 
10<#assign lc= qstringmap["ecdma-lc"]?first>   
11<#assign lc = htmlUtil.escape(lc)> 
12<#assign lc = htmlUtil.escapeJS(lc)> 
14<#assign prefix = "00000" > 
15<#assign lcWithPrefix = prefix + lc > 
16<#assign withPrefixLength = lcWithPrefix?length > 
17<#assign startHere = withPrefixLength - 5> 
18<#assign lc = lcWithPrefix?substring(startHere)> 
21<#if qstringmap["ecid"]?has_content> 
22    <#assign ecidExt = qstringmap["ecid"]?first> 
23    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escape(ecidExt)> 
24    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escapeJS(ecidExt)> 
25    <#assign ecidExt = "&ecid=" + ecidExt> 
27    <#assign ecidExt=""> 
29<#if oadURL?contains("uat-")> 
30    <#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
31    <#assign currentEnvironment = 'uat' > 
33    <#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
35    <script> 
36        //console.log('%ccurrentEnvironment: ', 'font-weight: bold; color: green;', '${currentEnvironment}'); 
37    </script> 
38<#assign campaignId = "" > 
39<#assign useprcaValue = "" > 
40<#assign ecidExt=""> 
41<#if qstringmap["ecid"]?has_content> 
42    <#assign campaignId = qstringmap["ecid"]?first > 
43    <#assign campaignId = htmlUtil.escape(campaignId)> 
44    <#assign campaignId = htmlUtil.escapeJS(campaignId)> 
46    <#assign ecidExt = qstringmap["ecid"]?first> 
47    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escape(ecidExt)> 
48    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escapeJS(ecidExt)> 
49    <#assign ecidExt = "&ecid=" + ecidExt> 
52<#assign dcoSourceCode = ""> 
53<#assign dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter = ""> 
55<#if qstringmap["sourcecode"]?has_content> 
56    <#assign dcoSourceCode = qstringmap["sourcecode"]?first> 
57    <#assign dcoSourceCode = htmlUtil.escape(dcoSourceCode)> 
58    <#assign dcoSourceCode = htmlUtil.escapeJS(dcoSourceCode)> 
59    <#assign dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter = "&sourcecode=${dcoSourceCode}"> 
60<#elseif qstringmap["sourceCode"]?has_content> 
61    <#assign dcoSourceCode = qstringmap["sourceCode"]?first> 
62    <#assign dcoSourceCode = htmlUtil.escape(dcoSourceCode)> 
63    <#assign dcoSourceCode = htmlUtil.escapeJS(dcoSourceCode)> 
64    <#assign dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter = "&sourcecode=${dcoSourceCode}"> 
67<#assign clientProfileService = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.user.service.CrcClientProfileLocalService"))! > 
68<#assign clientProfileList = clientProfileService.findByLocationCode(lc)> 
69<#assign clientProfile = clientProfileList?first> 
70<#assign partnerName = clientProfile.getMarketingNameLong()> 
71<#assign pbu = clientProfile.getPbu()> 
72<#assign subbu = clientProfile.getSUBBRANDBUNBR()> 
73<#assign cdnCardArtUrl = (propsUtil.get('rackspace.cdn.cardart.url'))!> 
75<#assign synExclusionMessageService = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.quicklink.service.SYNExclusionMessageLocalService"))! /> 
76<#assign synExclusionMessageData = synExclusionMessageService.getClientProfileAndSyndicatedExclusionMsg(lc) /> 
77<#assign synExclusionMsg = "" /> 
78<#assign synExclusionMsgURL = "" /> 
79<#assign synExclusionMsgAriaLabel = "" /> 
81<#if synExclusionMessageData?exists && synExclusionMessageData?has_content> 
82    <#assign synExclusionMsgObj = synExclusionMessageData[0]> 
83    <#assign synExclusionMsg = synExclusionMsgObj[4]!"" /> 
84    <#assign synExclusionMsgURL = synExclusionMsgObj[5]!"" /> 
85    <#assign synExclusionMsgAriaLabel = synExclusionMsgObj[6]!"" /> 
90<#assign fiCardsData=utilServ.makeCall('crcTier3GetPbuData','0&'+ pbu + '&'+subbu + '&' + lc)> 
91<#assign temp = []> 
92<#assign consumerCards = []> 
93<#assign businessCards = []>  
94<#assign offerTypeList = []>       
95<#assign index = 0> 
96<#assign consumerOfferTypes = ["101", "103", "108", "109", "115", "104", "141", "147", "138", "154"]> 
97<#assign businessOfferTypes = ["128", "121", "143", "144"]> 
98<#list fiCardsData as fib>  
99   <#assign useprcaValue = fib.useprca!""> 
100    <#if (fib.offerType?has_content && !(offerTypeList?seq_contains(fib.offerType)))> 
101        <#assign offerTypeList = offerTypeList + [fib.offerType]>  
102        <#if (consumerOfferTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
103            <#assign consumerCards = consumerCards + fiCardsData[index..index]> 
104        <#elseif (businessOfferTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
105            <#assign businessCards = businessCards + fiCardsData[index..index]> 
106        </#if>                            
107        <#assign temp = temp + fiCardsData[index..index]>  
108    </#if>   
109    <#assign index = index + 1>               
112<#assign fiCardsData = temp> 
113 <script> 
114    //console.log("fi card data count", ${fiCardsData?size}) 
117<#assign clientdata = utilServ.makeCall('crcDDCTier1Customizations','0&'+pbu+'&'+subbu+'&11')> 
118<#if (clientdata?size > 0)> 
119    <#assign backgroundColor = clientdata[0].backgroundHexColor>               
122<#if (fiCardsData?size > 0)>    
123    <style> 
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125            position: fixed; 
126            top: 0; 
127            left: 0; 
128            right: 0; 
129            bottom: 0; 
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131            display: flex; 
132            justify-content: center; 
133            align-items: center; 
136        .excludeModal__container { 
137            background-color: #fff; 
138            padding: 30px; 
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140            max-width: 500px; 
141            max-height: 100vh; 
142            border-radius: 4px; 
143            overflow-y: auto; 
144            box-sizing: border-box; 
147        .excludeModal__header { 
148            display: block; 
149            justify-content: space-between; 
150            align-items: center; 
153        .modal .excludeModal__container .excludeModal__title { 
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239    </style> 
240    <#if url?contains("index")>   
241        <#assign isExcluded = 0>                
242        <#assign offerId = ""> 
243        <#assign sourceCode = ""> 
244        <#assign cardArtImage = ""> 
245        <#assign productUrlHero = ""> 
246        <#assign product = ""> 
247        <#assign cardIndex = 0> 
248        <#if (class.getData() == "landing-consumer" && consumerCards?size > 0)> 
249            <#if (offerTypeList?seq_contains("108")) ||  (offerTypeList?seq_contains("109"))> 
250                <#list consumerCards as card> 
251                    <#if (card.offerType=="108") || (card.offerType=="109")> 
252                        <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
253                        <#if card.dmaexclude??> 
254                            <#assign isExcluded = card.dmaexclude?number!0> 
255                        </#if>  
256                        <#assign offerId = card.offerId> 
257                        <#assign sourceCode = card.sourceCode> 
258                        <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+card.filename+".png"> 
259                        <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+card.filename+".jpg"> 
261                        <#assign productUrlHero="consumer-platinum2103"> 
262                        <#assign product="Platinum"> 
263                        <#assign cardIndex = 1> 
264                        <#assign scrapedData = utilServ.makeCall('crcDDCGetSchumerBox', offerId + '&' + sourceCode)> 
265                        <#if (scrapedData?size > 0)> 
266                            <#list scrapedData as sItem> 
267                                <#if ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
268                                    <#assign apr = sItem.scrapedValue?replace("(\n|\r\n|\r)+", " ","r")> 
269                                    <#break> 
270                                </#if> 
271                            </#list> 
272                            <script> 
273                                $(document).ready(function () { 
274                                    var aprText = "${apr}"; 
275                                    //console.log('aprText: ${aprText!''}'); 
276                                    if (aprText) { 
277                                        $(".apr-full-text").html(aprText); 
278                                        try { 
279                                            var matches= aprText.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?%?/g); 
280                                            var billing_cycle = matches[1]; 
281                                            var apr_min = apr_min = matches[2]; 
282                                            var apr_max = apr_max = matches[3]; 
283                                            //console.log('billing_cycle', billing_cycle); 
284                                            //console.log('apr_min', apr_min); 
285                                            //console.log('apr_max', apr_max); 
286                                            if (billing_cycle) { 
287                                                //console.log($(".scraped-billing-cycle")); 
288                                                $(".scraped-billing-cycle").html(billing_cycle); 
290                                            if (apr_min) { 
291                                                $(".scraped-apr-min").html(apr_min); 
293                                            if (apr_max) { 
294                                                $('.scraped-apr-max').html(apr_max); 
297                                        } catch (e) { 
298                                            console.log(e); 
301                                }); 
302                            </script> 
303                        </#if> 
304                        <script> 
305                            $(document).ready(function () { 
306                                $(".see-terms").replaceWith('<a href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&offerId=${card.offerId}&locationCode=${lc}"  target="_blank"><span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions</a>'); 
307                            }); 
308                        </script> 
309                    </#if>                   
310                </#list> 
311            <#else> 
312                <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
313                <#if consumerCards[0].dmaexclude??> 
314                    <#assign isExcluded = consumerCards[0].dmaexclude?number!0> 
315                </#if>    
316                <#assign displayedCard = consumerCards[0]> 
317                <#assign offerId = displayedCard.offerId> 
318                <#assign sourceCode = displayedCard.sourceCode> 
319                <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+ displayedCard.filename + ".png"> 
320                <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+ displayedCard.filename + ".jpg"> 
321                <#if (displayedCard.offerType=="108" || displayedCard.offerType=="109")> 
322                    <#assign productUrlHero="consumer-platinum"> 
323                    <#assign product="Platinum"> 
324                    <#assign cardIndex = 1> 
325                <#elseif (displayedCard.offerType=="104")> 
326                    <#assign productUrlHero = "max-cash"> 
327                    <#assign product="Max Cash Preferred"> 
328                    <#assign cardIndex = 0> 
329                <#elseif (displayedCard.offerType=="115")> 
330                    <#assign productUrlHero = "secured"> 
331                    <#assign product="Secured"> 
332                    <#assign cardIndex = 2> 
333                </#if> 
334            </#if> 
335            <#if product?has_content && product != ""> 
336                <#assign card_text = product + " Card"> 
337            </#if>  
338        </#if> 
339        <#if (class.getData() == "landing-business" && businessCards?size > 0)> 
340            <#if (offerTypeList?seq_contains("128")) > 
341                <#list businessCards as card> 
342                    <#if (card.offerType=="128")> 
343                        <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
344                        <#if card.dmaexclude??> 
345                            <#assign isExcluded = card.dmaexclude?number!0>  
346                        </#if> 
347                        <#assign offerId = card.offerId> 
348                        <#assign sourceCode = card.sourceCode> 
349                        <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+card.filename+".png"> 
350                        <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+card.filename+".jpg"> 
352                        <#assign productUrlHero="business-cash-preferred"> 
353                        <#assign product="Business Cash Preferred"> 
354                        <#assign cardIndex = 1> 
355                    </#if> 
356                </#list> 
357            <#else> 
358                <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
359                <#if businessCards[0].dmaexclude??> 
360                    <#assign isExcluded = businessCards[0].dmaexclude?number!0> 
361                </#if>  
362                <#assign displayedCard = businessCards[0]> 
363                <#assign offerId = displayedCard.offerId> 
364                <#assign sourceCode = displayedCard.sourceCode> 
365                <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+ displayedCard.filename + ".png"> 
366                <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+ displayedCard.filename + ".jpg"> 
367                <#if (displayedCard.offerType=="143")> 
368                    <#assign productUrlHero="business-real-rewards"> 
369                    <#assign product="Business Real Rewards"> 
370                    <#assign cardIndex = 2> 
371                <#elseif (displayedCard.offerType=="144")> 
372                    <#assign productUrlHero="smart-business-rewards"> 
373                    <#assign product="Smart Business Rewards"> 
374                    <#assign cardIndex = 0> 
375                <#elseif (displayedCard.offerType=="121")> 
376                    <#assign productUrlHero = "business-platinum"> 
377                    <#assign product="Business"> 
378                    <#assign cardIndex = 3>                     
379                </#if> 
380            </#if> 
381            <#if product?has_content && product != ""> 
382                <#assign card_text = product + " Card"> 
383            </#if>  
384        </#if>		 
385            <div class="hero-container product-${productUrlHero} tier3-hero-${class.getData()}"> 
386                <div class="hero-main"> 
387                    <div class="hero-main-container"> 
388                        <div class="hero-main-offer"> 
389                            <div class="offer-detail"> 
390                                <div class="offer-detail-cardArt cardArtImg"> 
391                                    <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${partnerName!''}" title="${partnerName!''}" 
392                                    class="jn-img-responsive" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='${cardArtImageAlt!''}'">  
393                                    <#-- <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${partnerName!''}" title="${partnerName!'' }" 
394                                     class="jn-img-responsive">--> 
395                                    <p>${card_text!''}</p> 
396                                </div> 
397                                <div class="offer-detail-text text-color-default hide-desktop"> 
398                                    ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineFeature.getData()}                                 
399                                </div>                                                                        
400                                <#if isExcluded == 0>    
401								<#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
402								<form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${offerId}&preparerType=customer" method="post"> 
403									<input id='locationCode' type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}"> 
404									<input id='offerId' type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${offerId}"> 
405									<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer">  
406                                    </form> 
407								<a  
408									class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
409									data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
410									data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
411									href="#" 
412									offerId="${offerId!''}" 
413									onclick="submitForm(event)"									 
415									${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
416								</a> 
420							<#else> 
421								<a  
422									class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
423									data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
424									data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
425									href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${offerId}&preparerType=customer${dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter}"                                    
427									${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
428								</a> 
429							</#if> 
431                                <#else> 
432                                    <a  
433                                        class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
434                                        data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
435                                        data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
436                                        data-micromodal-trigger="modal-index-hero" 
437                                        href="javascript:void(0);" 
439                                        ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
440                                    </a> 
441                                </#if> 
442                            </div> 
443                            <div class="offer-header"> 
444                                <div class="offer-text-top"> 
445                                    ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineText.getData()} 
446                                </div> 
447                                <div class="offer-text-bottom hide-mobile"> 
448                                    <div class="offer-detail-text text-color-default "> 
449                                        ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineFeature.getData()}                                        
450                                    </div> 
452                                    <#if isExcluded == 0>  
453									<#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
454									 <form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${offerId}&preparerType=customer" method="post"> 
455												<input id='locationCode' type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}"> 
456												<input id='offerId' type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${offerId!''}"> 
457												<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer">	 
458												</form> 
459									<a  
460                                            class="jn-button"  
461                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
462                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}" 
463                                            href="#" 
464											offerId="${offerId!''}" 
465											onclick="submitForm(event)" 
467                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
468                                        </a> 
470									     <#else> 
471                                        <a  
472                                            class="jn-button"  
473                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
474                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}" 
475                                            href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${offerId}&preparerType=customer${dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter}"  
477                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
478                                        </a> 
479										</#if> 
480                                    <#else> 
481                                        <a  
482                                            class="jn-button"  
483                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
484                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}" 
485                                            data-micromodal-trigger="modal-index-hero" 
486                                            href="javascript:void(0);" 
488                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
489                                        </a> 
490                                    </#if> 
491                                </div> 
492                            </div>                           
493                        </div> 
494                    </div> 
495                </div> 
496            </div> 
498            <div aria-hidden="true" class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-index-hero" > 
499                <div class="excludeModal__overlay" data-micromodal-close tabindex="-1"> 
500                    <div  
501                        aria-modal="true"  
502                        aria-labelledby="modal-index-hero-title"  
503                        class="excludeModal__container"  
504                        role="dialog" 
506                        <button aria-label="Close modal" class="excludeModal__close" data-micromodal-close></button> 
507                        <header class="excludeModal__header"> 
508						<div> 
509                            <h2 class="excludeModal__title" id="modal-index-hero-title"> 
510								<#if synExclusionMsg?has_content> 
511									${synExclusionMsg} 
512                                <#elseif productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage?? > 
513                                    ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage.getData()!""} 
514                                </#if> 
515                            </h2> 
516						</div> 
517						<div id="excludeModalDivLink"> 
518							<#if synExclusionMsgURL?has_content> 
519								<p> 
520									<a href="${synExclusionMsgURL}" target="_blank" aria-label="${synExclusionMsgAriaLabel!''}" class="excludeModal__link"> 
521										Learn more 
522									</a> 
523								</p> 
524							</#if> 
525						</div> 
526                        </header> 
527                    </div> 
528                </div> 
529            </div> 
530    <#else>      
531        <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false> 
532        <#list fiCardsData as fib>     
533            <#switch fib.offerType>     
534                <#case "101"> 
535                    <#assign cardIndex = 3 > 
536                    <#assign productUrlHero = "consumer-edr"> 
537                    <#assign product="Everyday Rewards+">                     
538                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
539                    <#break>  
540                <#case "103">              
541                    <#assign cardIndex = 3 > 
542                    <#assign productUrlHero = "consumer-edr"> 
543                    <#assign product="Everyday Rewards+">                     
544                     <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
545                   <#break>          
546                <#case "104"> 
547                    <#assign cardIndex = 0 > 
548                    <#assign productUrlHero="max-cash"> 
549                    <#assign product="Max Cash Preferred">                       
550                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
551                    <#break> 
552                <#case "108"> 
553                    <#assign cardIndex = 1 > 
554                    <#assign productUrlHero = "consumer-platinum"> 
555                    <#assign product="Platinum">     
556                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = true>                   
557                    <#break> 
558                <#case "109"> 
559                    <#assign cardIndex = 1 > 
560                    <#assign productUrlHero = "consumer-platinum"> 
561                    <#assign product="Platinum">    
562                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = true>                                                          
563                    <#break>                                         
564                 <#case "141">                  
565                    <#assign cardIndex = 4 > 
566                    <#assign productUrlHero = "college-real-rewards"> 
567                    <#assign product = "College Real Rewards" >  
568                     <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
569                   <#break>  
570                <#case "147"> 
571                    <#assign cardIndex = 5 > 
572                    <#assign productUrlHero = "max-cash-secured"> 
573                    <#assign product = "Max Cash Secured" >  
574                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
575                    <#break>   
576                <#case "115"> 
577                    <#assign cardIndex = 2 > 
578                    <#assign productUrlHero = "secured"> 
579                    <#assign product="Secured">                     
580                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
581                    <#break>  
582                <#case "138"> 
583                    <#assign cardIndex = 6 > 
584                    <#assign productUrlHero = "travel-rewards-plus"> 
585                    <#assign product="Travel Rewards+">                     
586                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
587                    <#break>  
588                <#case "154"> 
589                    <#assign cardIndex = 7 > 
590                    <#assign productUrlHero = "reserve-rewards-plus"> 
591                    <#assign product="Reserve Rewards+">                     
592                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
593                    <#break>  
594                <#case "128"> 
595                    <#assign cardIndex = 1 > 
596                    <#assign productUrlHero = "business-cash-preferred"> 
597                    <#assign product="Business Cash Preferred">                     
598                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
599                    <#break>     
600                <#case "143"> 
601                    <#assign cardIndex = 2 > 
602                    <#assign productUrlHero = "business-real-rewards"> 
603                    <#assign product="Business Real Rewards">                     
604                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
605                    <#break>     
606                <#case "144"> 
607                    <#assign cardIndex = 0 > 
608                    <#assign productUrlHero = "smart-business-rewards"> 
609                    <#assign product="Smart Business Rewards">                                          
610                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
611                    <#break>                                   
612                <#case "121"> 
613                    <#assign cardIndex = 3 > 
614                    <#assign productUrlHero = "business-platinum"> 
615                    <#assign product="Business">                      
616                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false>                   
617                    <#break>                                      
618                <#default> 
619            </#switch>                          
620            <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/" + fib.filename + ".png">  
621            <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/" + fib.filename + ".jpg">   
623            <script> 
624               console.log("offerType ${fib.offerType} productUrlHero ${productUrlHero} show calculator ${hasBalanceTransferCalculator?c}")                         
625            </script> 
627            <#if url?matches(".*/${productUrlHero}\\?.*")>  
628                <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
629				 <script> 
630               console.log("fib.dmaexclude------>"+'${fib.dmaexclude}');                        
631            </script> 
632                <#if fib.dmaexclude??> 
633                    <#assign isExcluded = fib.dmaexclude?number!0> 
634                </#if>    
635                <#if (fib.offerType=="108" || fib.offerType=="109" || fib.offerType == "121")> 
637                    <#assign scrapedData = utilServ.makeCall('crcDDCGetSchumerBox', '${fib.offerId}' + '&'+ '${fib.sourceCode}')> 
638                    <#if (scrapedData?size > 0)> 
639                            <#list scrapedData as sItem> 
640                                <#if ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
641                                    <#assign apr = sItem.scrapedValue?replace("(\n|\r\n|\r)+", " ","r")> 
642                                    <#break> 
643                                </#if> 
645                            </#list> 
646                            <script> 
647                                $(document).ready(function () { 
648                                    var aprText = "${apr}"; 
649                                    //console.log('aprText',aprText); 
650                                    if (aprText) { 
651                                      $(".apr-full-text").html(aprText); 
652                                        try { 
653                                            var matches= aprText.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?%?/g); 
654                                            var billing_cycle = matches[1]; 
655                                            var apr_min = apr_min = matches[2]; 
656                                            var apr_max = apr_max = matches[3]; 
657                                            //console.log('billing_cycle', billing_cycle); 
658                                            //console.log('apr_min', apr_min); 
659                                            //console.log('apr_max', apr_max); 
660                                            if (billing_cycle) { 
661                                                //console.log($(".scraped-billing-cycle")); 
662                                                $(".scraped-billing-cycle").html(billing_cycle); 
664                                            if (apr_min) { 
665                                                $(".scraped-apr-min").html(apr_min); 
667                                            if (apr_max) { 
668                                                $('.scraped-apr-max').html(apr_max); 
671                                        } catch (e) { 
672                                            console.log(e); 
675                                }); 
676                            </script> 
677                    </#if>   
678                </#if>      
679                <#if product?has_content && product != ""> 
680                    <#assign card_text = product + " Card"> 
681                </#if>    
682                <#assign tc_offerTypes = ['108', '109', '121', '144']> 
683                <#assign calculator_offerTypes = ['101', '104', '138', '154', '128', '143', '144']> 
684                <div class="hero-container ${class.getData()}"> 
685                    <div class="hero-main"> 
686                        <div class="hero-main-container"> 
687                            <div class="hero-main-offer"> 
688                                <div class="offer-detail"> 
689                                    <div class="offer-detail-cardArt cardArtImg"> 
690                                        <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${partnerName!''}" title="${partnerName!''}" 
691                                        onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='${cardArtImageAlt!''}'" class="jn-img-responsive"> 
692                                        <p>${card_text!''}</p> 
693                                        <#if (hasBalanceTransferCalculator)> 
694                                            <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-micromodal-trigger="modal-2"aria-hidden="true" >See how much you could save with a balance transfer</a> 
695                                        </#if> 
696                                    </div> 
697                                    <div class="offer-detail-text text-color-default hide-desktop"> 
698                                        ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineFeature.getData()} 
700                                        <#if (tc_offerTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
701                                            <a href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&offerId=${fib.offerId}&locationCode=${lc}"  target="_blank"> 
702                                                <span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions 
703                                            </a> 
704                                        </#if> 
705                                        <#if (calculator_offerTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
706                                            <a class="whiteLink" onclick='ga("send", "event", "click", "Rewards Calculator", "Outbound Link");' target="_blank" href="${lc}">Calculate Rewards</a> 
707                                        </#if> 
708                                    </div> 
710                                    <#if isExcluded == 0> 
711									 <#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
712									  <form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${fib.offerId!''}&preparerType=customer" method="post"> 
713								<input id='locationCode' type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}"> 
714								<input id='offerId' type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${fib.offerId!''}"> 
715								<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer"> 
716								</form> 
718									  <a  
719                                            class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
720                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
721                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"   
722                                            href="#"  
723											offerId="${fib.offerId!''}" 
724											onclick="submitForm(event)" > 
725                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
726                                        </a> 
728									     <#else> 
729                                        <a  
730                                            class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
731                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
732                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"   
733                                            href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${fib.offerId}&preparerType=customer${dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter}"                               
735                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
737                                        </a> 
738										</#if> 
739                                    <#else> 
740                                        <a                                              
741                                            class="jn-button hide-desktop btn"  
742                                            data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
743                                            data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"    
744                                            data-micromodal-trigger="modal-product-hero" 
745                                            href="javascript:void(0);"                             
747                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
748                                        </a> 
749                                    </#if> 
750                                </div> 
751                                <div class="offer-header"> 
752                                    <div class="offer-text-top"> 
753                                        ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineText.getData()} 
754                                    </div> 
755                                    <div class="offer-text-bottom hide-mobile"> 
756                                        <div class="offer-detail-text text-color-default "> 
757                                            ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].primaryHeadlineFeature.getData()} 
758                                            <#if (tc_offerTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
759                                                <a class="whiteLink" href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&offerId=${fib.offerId}&locationCode=${lc}"  target="_blank"> 
760                                                    <span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions 
761                                                </a> 
762                                            </#if> 
763                                        </div> 
765                                         <#if isExcluded == 0>  
766										    <#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
767											<form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${fib.offerId}&preparerType=customer"  method="post" >	 
768													<input id='locationCode' type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}"> 
769													<input id='offerId' type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${fib.offerId!''}"> 
770													<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer"> 
771													</form> 
772                                            <a  
773                                                class="jn-button"  
774                                                data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
775                                                data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
776                                                href="#"  
777												offerId="${fib.offerId!''}" 
778												onclick="submitForm(event)" > 
779                                                ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
780                                            </a> 
782											 <#else> 
783											   <a  
784                                                class="jn-button"  
785                                                data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
786                                                data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
787                                                href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&offerId=${fib.offerId}&preparerType=customer${dcoSourceCodeQueryParameter}"  
789                                                ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
791                                            </a> 
792											 </#if> 
793                                         <#else> 
794                                            <a  
795                                                class="jn-button"  
796                                                data-button-name="cta-button-top"  
797                                                data-product-name="${productUrlHero!''}"  
798                                                data-micromodal-trigger="modal-product-hero" 
799                                                href="javascript:void(0);"  
801                                                ${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].ctaText.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">&nbsp;for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card </span> 
802                                            </a> 
803                                         </#if> 
804                                         <#if (calculator_offerTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
805                                            <a class="whiteLink" onclick='ga("send", "event", "click", "Rewards Calculator", "Outbound Link");' target="_blank" href="${lc}">Calculate Rewards</a> 
806                                        </#if> 
807                                    </div> 
808                                </div> 
810                            </div> 
811                        </div> 
812                    </div> 
813                </div> 
815                <div aria-hidden="true" class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-product-hero" > 
816                    <div class="excludeModal__overlay" data-micromodal-close tabindex="-1"> 
817                        <div  
818                            aria-modal="true"  
819                            aria-labelledby="modal-prodcut-hero-title"  
820                            class="excludeModal__container"  
821                            role="dialog" 
823                            <button aria-label="Close modal" class="excludeModal__close" data-micromodal-close></button> 
824                            <header class="excludeModal__header"> 
825							<div> 
826                                <h2 class="excludeModal__title" id="modal-prodcut-hero-title"> 
827                                    <#if synExclusionMsg?has_content> 
828										${synExclusionMsg} 
829									<#elseif productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage?? > 
830										${productTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage.getData()!""} 
831									</#if> 
832                                </h2> 
833							</div> 
834							<div id="excludeModalDivLink"> 
835								<#if synExclusionMsgURL?has_content> 
836									<p> 
837										<a href="${synExclusionMsgURL}" target="_blank" aria-label="${synExclusionMsgAriaLabel!''}" class="excludeModal__link"> 
838											Learn more 
839										</a> 
840									</p> 
841								</#if> 
842							</div> 
843                            </header> 
844                        </div> 
845                    </div> 
846                </div> 
847                <#break /> 
848            </#if> 
849        </#list>    
851    </#if> 
853<!-- --> 
854<script src=""></script> 
858    AUI().ready(function(){ 
859        //The below script is there to add vertical card art in UAT only so that QA has an easier time auditing. Note that the script only applies to FI SouthState (location code 20419) which is currently the only bank with vertical card art at the moment  
860        var locationCodeParam = '${lc}'; 
861        var currentEnvironmentParam = '${currentEnvironment}'; 
862        if(locationCodeParam == '20419' && currentEnvironmentParam == 'uat'){ 
863  '.cardArtImg')).map(function(e){e.firstElementChild.src = ""}) 
864        }    
866        MicroModal.init();      
867    }); 
870    if(typeof setHeaderBackground === 'undefined') { let setHeaderBackground = () => {};} 
871    setHeaderBackground = () => { 
872        // Makes the Header subtitle work if there is two lines of text  
873        //product page header 
874        var consumerHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("landing-consumer")[0]; 
875        if(!consumerHeader) { 
876            //index page header 
877            consumerHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("tier3-hero-landing-consumer")[0]; 
880        if(consumerHeader) { 
881            var consumerHeroContainer = consumerHeader.getElementsByClassName("hero-main-container")[0]; 
882            var consumerOfferHeader = consumerHeader.getElementsByClassName("offer-subtitle")[0]; 
883            const offerTextTop = consumerHeader.querySelector(".offer-text-top"); 
885            if (consumerOfferHeader.innerText.length >= 76){ 
886                const gradientHeight = Math.max(offerTextTop.offsetHeight + 40, 200) + "px"; 
887                //two lines 
888                // = '0px'; 
889                //document.querySelector('.offer-text-bottom').style.marginTop = '25px'; 
890                //prevent button and text going into blue section 
891                //consumerHeader.querySelector('.offer-text-top h1').style.minHeight = "120px"; 
892       = "linear-gradient(180deg, ${backgroundColor!'#173989'} " + gradientHeight + ", #f8f8f8 " + gradientHeight + ")"; 
895        //product page header 
896        var buisnessHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("landing-business")[0]; 
897        if(!buisnessHeader) { 
898            //index page header 
899            buisnessHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("tier3-hero-landing-business")[0]; 
902        if(buisnessHeader) { 
903            var buisnessHeroContainer = buisnessHeader.getElementsByClassName("hero-main-container")[0]; 
904            var buisnessOfferHeader = buisnessHeader.getElementsByClassName("offer-subtitle")[0]; 
906            if (buisnessOfferHeader.innerText.length >= 48){ 
907                //two lines 
908       = "linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255,255,255,1) 45%, ${backgroundColor!'#173989'} 45%)"; 
911    }; 
912    /* 
913        sometimes this runs before the text height it is refercning is loaded. Resulting in incorect background styles. If only in aui.ready then it flashes incorect styles then goes to correct styles everytime. 
914        With the aui.ready and imediate call it normal loads correctly but if it loads before header text it will still flash incorect styles and then be fixed. 
915    */ 
916    setHeaderBackground(); 
917    AUI().ready(function(){setHeaderBackground();});	 
922    var excluded = '${isExcluded}';  
923	var useprcaValue = '${useprcaValue}'; 
924	var url23 ='${url}'; 
925    function submitForm(event) { 
926        event.preventDefault(); 
927		var offerId ="offerId");		 
928		console.log("offerId::::::::::::::"+offerId); 
930        var lc = document.getElementById('locationCode').value; 
931        //var offerId = document.getElementById('offerId').value; 
932		//var sourceCode = document.getElementById('sourceCode').value; 
934        // Construct the URL         
935		var url = "${prcaURL}?locationCode=" + lc + "&offerId=" + offerId + "&preparerType=customer"; 
938        // Set the form action to the constructed URL 
939        document.getElementById('applyForm').action = url; 
941        // Submit the form 
942		postCreditcardLearnMore(url); 
943        //document.getElementById('applyForm').submit(); 
945	function postCreditcardLearnMore(path, method='post') { 
946    // Create a form element 
947    const form = document.createElement('form'); 
948    form.method = method; 
949	// = '_blank'; // Open in a new tab 
950    form.action = path; 
952    // Add each parameter as a hidden input field     
954    document.body.appendChild(form); 
955    form.submit(); 
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> synExclusionMessageService.getClientProfileAndSyndicatedExclusionMsg  [in template "10154#10192#155407401" at line 50, column 36]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign synExclusionMessageData = syn...  [in template "10154#10192#155407401" at line 50, column 1]
1<#assign utilServ = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.utilites.service.CRCRemoteServiceService"))! /> 
2<#assign oadURL = propsUtil.get('elan.oad.url') > 
3<#assign url = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent()/> 
4<#assign qstringmap = httpUtil.getParameterMap(httpUtil.getQueryString(url))> 
5<#assign environment = url?replace('/index.*','','r')> 
6<#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
7<#assign prcaURL = propsUtil.get('elan.prca.url')> 
10var currentUrl = '${url}'; 
13<#assign useprcaValue = "" > 
14<#assign lc = qstringmap["ecdma-lc"]?first>  
15<#assign lc = htmlUtil.escape(lc)> 
16<#assign lc = htmlUtil.escapeJS(lc)> 
18<#assign prefix = "00000" > 
19<#assign lcWithPrefix = prefix + lc > 
20<#assign withPrefixLength = lcWithPrefix?length > 
21<#assign startHere = withPrefixLength - 5> 
22<#assign lc = lcWithPrefix?substring(startHere)> 
25<#if qstringmap["ecid"]?has_content> 
26    <#assign ecidExt = qstringmap["ecid"]?first> 
27    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escape(ecidExt)> 
28    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escapeJS(ecidExt)> 
29    <#assign ecidExt = "&ecid=" + ecidExt> 
31    <#assign ecidExt=""> 
34<#if oadURL?contains("uat-")> 
35    <#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
37    <#assign oadURL_TC = '' > 
41<#assign clientProfileService = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.user.service.CrcClientProfileLocalService"))! > 
42<#assign clientProfileList = clientProfileService.findByLocationCode(lc)> 
43<#assign clientProfile = clientProfileList?first> 
44<#assign partnerName = clientProfile.getMarketingNameLong()> 
45<#assign pbu = clientProfile.getPbu()> 
46<#assign subbu = clientProfile.getSUBBRANDBUNBR()> 
47<#assign cdnCardArtUrl = (propsUtil.get('rackspace.cdn.cardart.url'))!> 
49<#assign synExclusionMessageService = (serviceLocator.findService("com.elan.crc.quicklink.service.SYNExclusionMessageLocalService"))! /> 
50<#assign synExclusionMessageData = synExclusionMessageService.getClientProfileAndSyndicatedExclusionMsg(lc) /> 
51<#assign synExclusionMsg = "" /> 
52<#assign synExclusionMsgURL = "" /> 
53<#assign synExclusionMsgAriaLabel = "" /> 
55<#if synExclusionMessageData?exists && synExclusionMessageData?has_content> 
56    <#assign synExclusionMsgObj = synExclusionMessageData[0]> 
57    <#assign synExclusionMsg = synExclusionMsgObj[4]!"" /> 
58    <#assign synExclusionMsgURL = synExclusionMsgObj[5]!"" /> 
59    <#assign synExclusionMsgAriaLabel = synExclusionMsgObj[6]!"" /> 
62<#if qstringmap["ecid"]?has_content> 
63    <#assign ecidExt = qstringmap["ecid"]?first> 
64    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escape(ecidExt)> 
65    <#assign ecidExt = htmlUtil.escapeJS(ecidExt)> 
66    <#assign ecidExt = "&ecid=" + ecidExt> 
68    <#assign campaignId = qstringmap["ecid"]?first > 
69    <#assign campaignId = htmlUtil.escape(campaignId)> 
70    <#assign campaignId = htmlUtil.escapeJS(campaignId)> 
72    <#assign ecidExt=""> 
73    <#assign campaignId = "" > 
76<#assign fiCardsData = utilServ.makeCall('crcTier3GetPbuData','0&'+ pbu +'&'+subbu + '&' + lc)>  
77<#-- filter duplicated cards--> 
78<#assign consumerCards = []> 
79<#assign businessCards = []>  
80<#assign offerTypeList = []>  
81<#assign consumerOfferTypes =['101', '104', '108', '109', '115', '141','147', '138', '154']> 
82<#assign businessOfferTypes =['144', '128', '143', '121']>      
83<#assign index = 0> 
84<#list fiCardsData as fib> 
85  <#assign useprcaValue = fib.useprca!"">   
86    <#if (fib.offerType?has_content && !(offerTypeList?seq_contains(fib.offerType)))>   
87        <#assign offerTypeList = offerTypeList + [fib.offerType]>     
88        <#if consumerOfferTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType)> 
89            <#assign consumerCards = consumerCards + fiCardsData[index..index]> 
90        <#elseif (businessOfferTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
91            <#assign businessCards = businessCards + fiCardsData[index..index]> 
92        </#if>                  
93    </#if>  
94    <#assign index = index + 1>                
98    .excludeModal__overlay { 
99        position: fixed; 
100        top: 0; 
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102        right: 0; 
103        bottom: 0; 
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105        display: flex; 
106        justify-content: center; 
107        align-items: center; 
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111        background-color: #fff; 
112        padding: 30px; 
113        min-width: 500px; 
114        max-width: 500px; 
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117        overflow-y: auto; 
118        box-sizing: border-box; 
121    .excludeModal__header { 
122        display: block; 
123        justify-content: space-between; 
124        align-items: center; 
127    .modal .excludeModal__container .excludeModal__title { 
128        margin-top: 0; 
129        margin-bottom: 0; 
130        font-weight: 600; 
131        font-size: 20px; 
132        line-height: 1.25; 
133        color: #00449e; 
134        box-sizing: border-box; 
137    .excludeModal__close { 
138        background: transparent; 
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174 { 
175        display: block; 
178    .micromodal-slide[aria-hidden="false"] .excludeModal__overlay { 
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182    .micromodal-slide[aria-hidden="false"] .excludeModal__container { 
183        animation: mmslideIn .3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1); 
186    .micromodal-slide[aria-hidden="true"] .excludeModal__overlay { 
187        animation: mmfadeOut .3s cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1); 
190    .micromodal-slide[aria-hidden="true"] .excludeModal__container { 
191        animation: mmslideOut .3s cubic-bezier(0, 0, .2, 1); 
194    .micromodal-slide .excludeModal__container, 
195    .micromodal-slide .excludeModal__overlay { 
196        will-change: transform; 
199	.excludeModal__link { 
200		font-size: 18px !important; 
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202		color: #00449e !important; 
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206	.excludeModal__link a:hover { 
207		text-decoration: underline !important; 
210	#excludeModalDivLink { 
211		margin-top: 20px; 
215<#if ((consumerCards?size > 0) || (businessCards?size > 0))> 
216    <div class="content-container content-container-main jn-consumer-content"> 
217        <#if ((consumerCards?size > 0) && (businessCards?size > 0))> 
218            <nav class="jn-primary-nav two-tabs"> 
219                <ul> 
220                    <li title="${partnerName!''} - Personal products"> 
221                        <a href="#" class="tab-nav active" id="consumerTab"><span>Personal</span></a> 
222                    </li> 
223                    <li title="${partnerName!''} - Business products"> 
224                        <a href="#" class="tab-nav" id="businessTab"><span>Business</span></a> 
225                    </li> 
226                </ul> 
227            </nav> 
228        <#else> 
229            <#if (consumerCards?size > 0)> 
230                <nav class="jn-primary-nav" title="${partnerName!''} - Personal products"> 
231                    <ul> 
232                        <li> 
233                            <p class="tab-nav" id="consumerTab"><span>Personal</span></p> 
234                        </li> 
235                    </ul> 
236                </nav> 
237            </#if> 
238            <#if (businessCards?size > 0)> 
239                <nav class="jn-primary-nav" title="${partnerName!''} - Business products"> 
240                    <ul> 
241                        <li> 
242                            <p class="tab-nav" id="businessTab"><span>Business</span></p> 
243                        </li> 
244                    </ul> 
245                </nav> 
246            </#if> 
247        </#if> 
248        <#if (consumerCards?size > 0)> 
249            <div class="tab-more-wrapper">   
250                <div class="jn-consumer-content-wrapper jn-tab-content active transition-start" data-id="consumerTab" title="${partnerName!''} - Personal products"> 
252                    <#list consumerCards as fib>    
253                            <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/" + fib.filename + ".png" > 
254                            <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/" + fib.filename + ".jpg" > 
255                            <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = false> 
256                            <#switch fib.offerType> 
257                                <#case "101"> 
258                                    <#assign productName = "consumer-edr"> 
259                                    <#assign productUrl = "202302/consumer-edr"> 
260                                    <#assign product="Everyday Rewards+"> 
261                                    <#assign cardIndex = 0> 
262                                    <#break> 
263                                <#case "108"> 
264                                    <#assign productName = "consumer-platinum"> 
265                                    <#assign productUrl = "202308/consumer-platinum"> 
266                                    <#assign product="Platinum"> 
267                                    <#assign cardIndex = 2> 
268                                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = true> 
269                                    <#break> 
270                                <#case "109"> 
271                                    <#assign productName = "consumer-platinum"> 
272                                    <#assign productUrl = "202308/consumer-platinum"> 
273                                    <#assign product="Platinum"> 
274                                    <#assign cardIndex = 2> 
275                                    <#assign hasBalanceTransferCalculator = true> 
276                                    <#break>                                            
277                                <#case "115"> 
278                                    <#assign productName = "secured"> 
279                                    <#assign productUrl = "secured"> 
280                                    <#assign product="Secured"> 
281                                    <#assign cardIndex = 5> 
282                                    <#break> 
283                                <#case "104"> 
284                                    <#assign productName = "max-cash"> 
285                                    <#assign productUrl = "max-cash"> 
286                                    <#assign product="Max Cash Preferred"> 
287                                    <#assign cardIndex = 1> 
288                                    <#break> 
289                                <#case "147"> 
290                                    <#assign productName = "max-cash-secured"> 
291                                    <#assign productUrl = "max-cash-secured"> 
292                                    <#assign product="Max Cash Secured"> 
293                                    <#assign cardIndex = 4> 
294                                    <#break> 
295                                <#case "141"> 
296                                    <#assign productName = "college-real-rewards"> 
297                                    <#assign productUrl = "college-real-rewards"> 
298                                    <#assign product="College Real Rewards"> 
299                                    <#assign cardIndex = 3> 
300                                    <#break> 
301                                <#case "138"> 
302                                    <#assign productName = "travel-rewards-plus"> 
303                                    <#assign productUrl = "202305/travel-rewards-plus"> 
304                                    <#assign product="Travel Rewards+"> 
305                                    <#assign cardIndex = 10> 
306                                    <#break> 
307                                <#case "154"> 
308                                    <#assign productName = "reserve-rewards-plus"> 
309                                    <#assign productUrl = "202305/reserve-rewards-plus"> 
310                                    <#assign product="Reserve Rewards+"> 
311                                    <#assign cardIndex = 11> 
312                                    <#break> 
313                                <#default> 
314                            </#switch> 
315                            <#assign titleText = consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].Title.getData()> 
316                            <#assign titleText = titleText?replace('<[^>]+>','','r')> 
317                            <#assign newTag = ""> 
318                            <#if (consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].addNewTag?has_content && consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].addNewTag.getData() == "true")> 
319                                <#assign newTag = "with-new-tag"> 
320                            </#if> 
321                            <#assign APR=""> 
322                            <#assign AMF=""> 
323                            <#assign BAL=""> 
324                            <#assign scrapedData = utilServ.makeCall('crcDDCGetSchumerBox', fib.offerId + '&'+ fib.sourceCode)> 
325                            <#if (scrapedData?size > 0)> 
326                                <#list scrapedData as sItem> 
327                                    <#if ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
328                                        <#assign APR = sItem.scrapedValue>                                    
329                                    <#elseif ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("Annual Membership Fee")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
330                                        <#assign AMF = sItem.scrapedValue> 
331                                    <#elseif ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("APR for Balance Transfers")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
332                                        <#assign BAL = sItem.scrapedValue> 
333                                    </#if> 
334                                    <#if (APR?has_content && AMF?has_content && BAL?has_content)> 
335                                        <#break> 
336                                    </#if> 
337                                </#list> 
338                            </#if>                                      
339                            <div class="${newTag} jn-consumer-item item-${fib.offerType}" title="${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card"> 
340                                <div class="tag-container"> 
341                                    <div class="tag-corner"> 
342                                        <div class="tag-label">NEW</div> 
343                                    </div> 
344                                </div> 
345                                <div class="consumer-card-heading hide-desktop"> 
346                                    <div class="consumer-card-heading__subheading">${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].Title.getData()}</div> 
347                                    ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].headlineText.getData()} 
348                                </div> 
349                                <div class="jn-consumer-card-image"> 
350                                    <img src="${cardArtImage!''}" alt="${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card" class="jn-img-responsive" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='${cardArtImageAlt!''}'"> 
351                                    <#assign calculatorConsumerOfferTypes = ["101", "103", "104", "138", "154"] > 
352                                    <#if (calculatorConsumerOfferTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
353                                        <a class="reward-calculator-link" target="_blank" onclick='ga("send", "event", "click", "Rewards Calculator", "Outbound Link");' class="whiteLink" href="${lc}">Calculate Rewards</a> 
354                                    </#if> 
355                                    <#if consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].cardArtDescription?has_content> 
356                                        <p class="tier3-tabs-card-art-description">${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].cardArtDescription.getData()}</p> 
357                                    </#if> 
358                                    <#if (hasBalanceTransferCalculator)> 
359                                        <a style="display: block; text-align: center; max-width: 285px; margin: auto;" href="javascript:void(0);" data-micromodal-trigger="modal-2">See how much you could save with a balance transfer</a> 
360                                    </#if> 
361                                </div> 
363                                <div class="jn-consumer-card-info"> 
364                                    <div class="consumer-card-heading hide-mobile"> 
365                                        <div class="consumer-card-heading__subheading">${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].Title.getData()}</div> 
366                                        ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].headlineText.getData()} 
367                                    </div> 
368                                    <div class="jn-additional"> 
369                                            <ul class="${fib.offerType}">    
370                                                <li> 
371                                                    <p> 
372                                                        <#if (fib.offerType == "104")> 
373                                                          <strong>APR for Purchases: </strong> 
374                                                        <#elseif (fib.offerType == "101" || 
375                                                            fib.offerType == "108" || 
376                                                            fib.offerType == "109" || 
377                                                            fib.offerType == "141"  
378                                                        )> 
379                                                            <strong>Intro APR<sup>*</sup> for Purchases and Balance Transfers: </strong> 
380                                                        <#else> 
381                                                            <strong>APR for Purchases and Balance Transfers: </strong> 
382                                                        </#if> 
383                                                        ${APR!''}  
384                                                        <a href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;locationCode=${lc}" target="_blank" class="t_c_link"> 
385                                                            <span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions. 
386                                                        </a> 
387                                                    </p> 
388                                                </li> 
389                                                <#if (fib.offerType == "104")> 
390                                                    <li class="${fib.offerType}"> 
391                                                        <p> 
392                                                            <strong>Intro APR<sup>*</sup> for Balance Transfers: </strong> 
393                                                            ${BAL!''}  
394                                                            <a href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;locationCode=${lc}" target="_blank" class="t_c_link"> 
395                                                                <span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions. 
396                                                            </a> 
397                                                        </p> 
398                                                    </li> 
399                                                </#if>          
401                                                <#if consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].additionalInfo.getSiblings()?has_content> 
402                                                    <#list consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].additionalInfo.getSiblings() as marketingInfo> 
403                                                        <li>${marketingInfo.getData()}</li> 
404                                                    </#list> 
405                                                </#if> 
406                                                <li> 
407                                                    <p>Annual Fee: ${AMF!''}  
408                                                        <a  href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;locationCode=${lc}"  target="_blank" class="t_c_link"> 
409                                                            <span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions. 
410                                                        </a> 
411                                                    </p> 
412                                                </li> 
413                                            </ul> 
414                                    </div> 
415                                    <ul class="actions"> 
416                                        <li> 
417                                            <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
418                                            <#if fib.dmaexclude??> 
419                                                <#assign isExcluded = fib.dmaexclude?number!0> 
420                                            </#if>                                           
421                                            <#if isExcluded == 0>  
422											 <#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
423												<a  
424                                                    class="applyNowLink"  
425                                                    data-button-name="apply-now-link"  
426                                                    data-product-name="${productName!''}" 
427                                                    href="#" 
428													offerId="${fib.offerId}" 
429													onclick="submitForm(event)"	 
431                                                    ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].applyNow.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span> 
432                                                </a>											  
433											  <form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer" method="post"> 
434													<input type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}" id="locationCode"> 
435													<input type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${fib.offerId}" id="offerId"> 
436													<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer"> 
437													</form> 
438											<#else> 
439                                                <a  
440                                                    class="applyNowLink"  
441                                                    data-button-name="apply-now-link"  
442                                                    data-product-name="${productName!''}" 
443                                                    href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer"  
445                                                    ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].applyNow.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span> 
446                                                </a> 
447											  </#if> 
448                                            <#else> 
449                                                <a  
450                                                    class="applyNowLink"  
451                                                    data-button-name="apply-now-link"  
452                                                    data-product-name="${productName!''}" 
453                                                    data-micromodal-trigger="modal-consumer-tabs-${fib.offerType}" 
454                                                    href="javascript:void(0);" 
456                                                    ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].applyNow.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span> 
457                                                </a> 
459                                            </#if> 
460                                        </li> 
461                                        <li><a href="${environment}/${productUrl}?ecdma-lc=${lc}${ecidExt}">${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].LearnMore.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only"> about ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span></a> 
462                                        </li> 
463                                    </ul> 
464                                </div> 
465                            </div> 
466                    </#list> 
467                </div> 
468            </div> 
469        </#if> 
470        <#if (businessCards?size > 0)>   
471        <div class="tab-more-wrapper">      
472            <div class="jn-consumer-content-wrapper jn-tab-content transition-start" data-id="businessTab" title="${partnerName!''} - Business products"> 
474                <#list businessCards as fib> 
475                        <#assign cardArtImage = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+fib.filename+".png"> 
476                        <#assign cardArtImageAlt = cdnCardArtUrl + "/"+fib.filename+".jpg"> 
477                        <#switch fib.offerType> 
478                            <#case "128"> 
479                                <#assign productName = "business-cash-preferred"> 
480                                <#assign productUrl = "business-cash-preferred"> 
481                                <#assign product="Business Cash Preferred"> 
482                                <#assign cardIndex = 6> 
483                                <#break> 
484                            <#case "121"> 
485                                <#assign productName = "business-platinum"> 
486                                <#assign productUrl = "202208/business-platinum"> 
487                                <#assign product="Business Card"> 
488                                <#assign cardIndex = 7> 
489                                <#break> 
490                            <#case "144"> 
491                                <#assign productName = "smart-business-rewards"> 
492                                <#assign productUrl = "smart-business-rewards"> 
493                                <#assign product="Smart Business Rewards"> 
494                                <#assign cardIndex = 8> 
495                                <#break>                             
496                            <#case "143"> 
497                                <#assign productName = "business-real-rewards"> 
498                                <#assign productUrl = "business-real-rewards"> 
499                                <#assign product="Business Real Rewards"> 
500                                <#assign cardIndex = 9> 
501                                <#break> 
503                            <#default> 
504                        </#switch> 
505                        <#assign newTag = ""> 
506                        <#if (consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].addNewTag?has_content && consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].addNewTag.getData() == "true")> 
507                            <#assign newTag = "with-new-tag"> 
508                        </#if> 
510                        <#assign APR=""> 
511                        <#assign AMF="">                                           
512                            <#assign scrapedData = utilServ.makeCall('crcDDCGetSchumerBox', fib.offerId + '&'+ fib.sourceCode)> 
513                            <#if (scrapedData?size > 0)> 
514                                <#list scrapedData as sItem> 
515                                    <#if ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
516                                        <#assign APR = sItem.scrapedValue> 
517                                    <#elseif ((sItem.scrapedLabel?contains("Annual Membership Fee")) && (sItem.scrapedValue?has_content)) > 
518                                        <#assign AMF = sItem.scrapedValue> 
519                                    </#if> 
520                                    <#if (APR?has_content && AMF?has_content)> 
521                                        <#break> 
522                                    </#if> 
523                                </#list> 
524                            </#if> 
526                        <div class="${newTag} jn-consumer-item item-${fib.offerType}" title="${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Credit Card"> 
527                            <div class="tag-container"> 
528                                <div class="tag-corner"> 
529                                    <div class="tag-label">NEW</div> 
530                                </div> 
531                            </div> 
532                            <div class="consumer-card-heading hide-desktop"> 
533                                <div class="consumer-card-heading__subheading">${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].Title.getData()}</div> 
534                                ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].headlineText.getData()} 
535                            </div> 
536                            <div class="jn-consumer-card-image"> 
538                                <img  
539                                    src="${cardArtImage!''}"  
540                                    alt="${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card"  
541                                    class="jn-img-responsive"  
542                                    onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='${cardArtImageAlt!''}'" 
544                                <#assign calculatorBizOfferTypes = ["144", "143", "128"] > 
545                                <#if (calculatorBizOfferTypes?seq_contains(fib.offerType))> 
546                                 <a class="reward-calculator-link" target="_blank" onclick='ga("send", "event", "click", "Rewards Calculator", "Outbound Link");' class="whiteLink" href="${lc}">Calculate Rewards</a> 
547                                </#if> 
548                                <#if consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].cardArtDescription?has_content> 
549                                    <p class="tier3-tabs-card-art-description">${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].cardArtDescription.getData()}</p> 
550                                </#if> 
551                            </div> 
552                            <div class="jn-consumer-card-info"> 
553                                <div class="consumer-card-heading hide-mobile"> 
554                                    <div class="consumer-card-heading__subheading">${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].Title.getData()}</div> 
555                                    ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].headlineText.getData()} 
556                                </div> 
557                                <div class="jn-additional"> 
558                                    <ul class="${fib.offerType}"> 
559                                        <li> 
560                                            <p> 
561                                            <#if (fib.offerType == "144")> 
562                                                <strong>APR for Purchases and Balance Transfers: </strong> 
563                                            <#else> 
564                                                <strong>Intro APR<sup>*</sup> for Purchases and Balance Transfers: </strong> 
565                                            </#if> 
566                                                ${APR!''} 
567                                                <a href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;locationCode=${lc}" target="_blank" class="t_c_link"><span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions.</a> 
568                                            </p> 
569                                        </li> 
571                                        <#if consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].additionalInfo.getSiblings()?has_content> 
572                                            <#list consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].additionalInfo.getSiblings() as marketingInfo> 
573                                                <li>${marketingInfo.getData()}</li> 
574                                            </#list> 
575                                        </#if> 
576                                        <li><p>Annual Fee: ${AMF!''} <a 
577                                            href="${oadURL_TC}?step=display&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;locationCode=${lc}" target="_blank" class="t_c_link"><span class="screen-reader-only">${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span>See terms & conditions.</a></p> 
578                                        </li> 
579                                    </ul> 
580                                </div> 
581                                <ul class="actions"> 
582                                    <li> 
583                                        <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
584                                        <#if fib.dmaexclude??> 
585                                            <#assign isExcluded = fib.dmaexclude?number!0> 
586                                        </#if>                                                                                    
587                                        <#if isExcluded == 0>   
588										 <#if useprcaValue == "1"> 
589												<a  
590                                                    class="applyNowLink"  
591                                                    data-button-name="apply-now-link"  
592                                                    data-product-name="${productName!''}" 
593                                                    href="#" 
594													offerId="${fib.offerId}" 
595													onclick="submitForm(event)"	 
597                                                    ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].applyNow.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span> 
598                                                </a>											  
599											  <form id="applyForm" action="${prcaURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer" method="post"> 
600													<input type="hidden" name="locationCode" value="${lc}" id="locationCode"> 
601													<input type="hidden" name="offerId" value="${fib.offerId}" id="offerId"> 
602													<input type="hidden" name="preparerType" value="customer"> 
603													</form> 
604											<#else> 
605                                            <a  
606                                                href="${oadURL}?locationCode=${lc}&amp;offerId=${fib.offerId}&amp;preparerType=customer"  
607                                                class="applyNowLink"  
608                                                data-button-name="apply-now-link"  
609                                                data-product-name="${productName!''}" 
611                                                ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].applyNow.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span> 
612                                            </a> 
613											</#if> 
614                                        <#else> 
615                                            <a  
616                                                class="applyNowLink"  
617                                                data-button-name="apply-now-link"  
618                                                data-product-name="${productName!''}" 
619                                                data-micromodal-trigger="modal-business-tabs-${fib.offerType}" 
620                                                href="javascript:void(0);" 
622                                                ${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].applyNow.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only">for ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span> 
623                                            </a> 
625                                        </#if> 
626                                    </li> 
627                                    <li><a href="${environment}/${productUrl}?ecdma-lc=${lc}${ecidExt}">${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].LearnMore.getData()}<span class="screen-reader-only"> about ${partnerName!''} ${product!''} Card </span></a></li> 
628                                </ul> 
629                            </div> 
630                        </div> 
632                </#list> 
633            </div> 
634            </div> 
635        </#if>  
636    </div> 
638    <#if (consumerCards?size > 0)> 
639        <#list consumerCards as fib>  
640            <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
641            <#if fib.dmaexclude??> 
642                <#assign isExcluded = fib.dmaexclude?number!0> 
643            </#if>                                                        
644            <#if isExcluded == 1>     
645                <div aria-hidden="true" class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-consumer-tabs-${fib.offerType}" > 
646                    <div class="excludeModal__overlay" data-micromodal-close tabindex="-1" > 
647                        <div   
648                            aria-modal="true"  
649                            aria-labelledby="modal-consumer-tabs-title-${fib.offerType}"  
650                            class="excludeModal__container"  
651                            role="dialog" 
653                            <button aria-label="Close modal" class="excludeModal__close" data-micromodal-close></button> 
654                            <header class="excludeModal__header"> 
655                                <div> 
656									<h2 class="excludeModal__title" id="modal-consumer-tabs-title-${fib.offerType}"> 
657									<#if synExclusionMsg?has_content> 
658										${synExclusionMsg} 
659									<#elseif consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage?? > 
660										${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage.getData()!""} 
661									</#if> 
662									</h2> 
663								 </div> 
664								 <div id="excludeModalDivLink"> 
665									<#if synExclusionMsgURL?has_content> 
666									<p> 
667										<a href="${synExclusionMsgURL}" target="_blank" aria-label="${synExclusionMsgAriaLabel!''}" class="excludeModal__link"> 
668											Learn more 
669										</a> 
670									</p> 
671									</#if> 
672								</div> 
673                            </header> 
674                        </div> 
675                    </div> 
676                </div> 
677            </#if> 
678        </#list> 
679    </#if> 
681    <#if (businessCards?size > 0)>  
682        <#list businessCards as fib> 
683            <#assign isExcluded = 0> 
684            <#if fib.dmaexclude??>   
685                <#assign isExcluded = fib.dmaexclude?number!0> 
686            </#if>                                                    
687            <#if isExcluded == 1>    
688                <div aria-hidden="true" class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-business-tabs-${fib.offerType}" > 
689                    <div class="excludeModal__overlay" data-micromodal-close tabindex="-1"> 
690                        <div  
691                            aria-modal="true"  
692                            aria-labelledby="modal-business-tabs-title-${fib.offerType}"  
693                            class="excludeModal__container"  
694                            role="dialog" 
696                            <button aria-label="Close modal" class="excludeModal__close" data-micromodal-close></button> 
697                            <header class="excludeModal__header"> 
698                                <div> 
699									<h2 class="excludeModal__title" id="modal-business-tabs-title-${fib.offerType}"> 
700										<#if synExclusionMsg?has_content> 
701											${synExclusionMsg} 
702										<#elseif consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage?? > 
703											${consumerTitle.getSiblings()[cardIndex].excludedMessage.getData()!""} 
704										</#if> 
705									</h2> 
706								</div> 
707								<div id="excludeModalDivLink"> 
708								<#if synExclusionMsgURL?has_content> 
709									<p> 
710										<a href="${synExclusionMsgURL}" target="_blank" aria-label="${synExclusionMsgAriaLabel!''}" class="excludeModal__link"> 
711											Learn more 
712										</a> 
713									</p> 
714								</#if> 
715								</div> 
716                            </header> 
717                        </div> 
718                    </div> 
719                </div> 
720            </#if> 
721        </#list> 
722    </#if> 
724    <!-- --> 
725    <script src=""></script> 
727    <script> 
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729			event.preventDefault();  
730			 var offerId ="offerId");			 
731			 console.log("offerId::::::::::::::"+offerId); 
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733       // var offerId = document.getElementById('offerId').value;		 
735        // Construct the URL 
736        var url = "${prcaURL}?locationCode=" + lc + "&offerId=" + offerId + "&preparerType=customer"; 
738		// Set the form action to the constructed URL 
739        document.getElementById('applyForm').action = url; 
742		postCreditcardLearnMore(url); 
743		//document.getElementById('applyForm').submit(); 
746	function postCreditcardLearnMore(path, method='post') { 
747    // Create a form element 
748    const form = document.createElement('form'); 
749    form.method = method; 
750	// = '_blank'; // Open in a new tab 
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824                            var url = window.location.toString(); 
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909                document.querySelector('.tier3-hero-landing-'+ type).classList.add('hide'); 
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916                document.querySelector('.tier3-disclaimer-landing-'+ type).classList.add('hide');  
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918                console.log(e); 
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924            try { 
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926                document.querySelector('.tier3-hero-landing-'+ type).classList.remove('hide'); 
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933                document.querySelector('.tier3-disclaimer-landing-'+ type).classList.remove('hide');  
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935                console.log(e); 
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946                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card. Limited Time Offer. 0% Intro APR on Purchases and Balance Transfers for 20 Billing Cycles Consolidate your Balances with the "+partnerName+" Intro APR Card."; 
947                } else if(product_name ==  "real-rewards") { 
948                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card. Take home 2,500 bonus points after your first purchase."; 
949                } else if(product_name ==  "secured") { 
950                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card. Use this card as a solid foundation to build your credit."; 
951                } else if(product_name ==  "max-cash") { 
952                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card. Earn a $150 Bonus."; 
953                } else if(product_name ==  "max-cash-secured") { 
954                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card. Earn more on the categories you pick."; 
955                } else if(product_name ==  "travel-rewards-plus") { 
956                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card."; 
957                } else if(product_name ==  "reserve-rewards-plus") { 
958                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card."; 
961            } else if (type == "business") { 
962                if(product_name ==  "business-cashback") {               
963                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card. Earn Cash back on common business expenses."; 
964                } else if(product_name ==  "business-real-rewards") { 
965                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card. Get more rewards in the categories you spend the most on."; 
966                } else if(product_name ==  "business-platinum") { 
967                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Business Card. 0% Intro APR on Purchases and Balance Transfers for 15 Billing Cycles"; 
968                } else if(product_name ==  "smart-business-rewards") { 
969                    metaDesc = "Apply Today for a "+partnerName+" Credit Card. More choices. More value for your business. Earn a $200 Bonus and 2x Rewards on your top 2 spend categories each month with the "+partnerName+" Credit Card."; 
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994    </script>                 

Elan Financial Services may change APRs, fees and other Account terms in the future based on your experience with it and its affiliates as provided under the Cardmember Agreement and applicable law.


Subject to credit approval.

  • *The introductory rate does not apply to cash advances. For the Max Cash Preferred card, the introductory rate also does not apply to purchases. Balance Transfer Information: Balance transfer transactions from other Elan Financial Services accounts are not permitted. You may cancel a balance transfer request within 10 days of account opening by calling 800-285-8585. After 10 days from account opening, requests to stop payment on Balance Transfer Check(s) issued by Elan shall not be honored unless the check(s) has been stolen, lost or destroyed. Balance Transfer fee of 3% of each transfer amount, $5 minimum will apply. For the Platinum card, a Balance Transfer fee of 5% of each transfer amount, $5 minimum will apply. We apply your minimum payment to balances with lower APRs first, including promotional APRs. Amounts paid over the minimum payment will be applied in the order of highest to lowest APR balances. If you take advantage of this offer, you may not be able to avoid interest on future purchases, even if your offer has a 0% APR. You can avoid interest on purchases if you pay your entire account balance, including any balances you create with this offer, in full by your due date each month.
  • 1. If you're approved for a new Everyday Rewards+ Card, a one-time 15,000 bonus points ($150 value) will be awarded after eligible net purchases totaling $500 or more are made to your account within 90 days from account opening. Please allow 6-8 weeks after you have met the spend requirement for your bonus to be credited to your rewards balance. Everyday Rewards+ Card: You will earn 1 Point for every dollar in eligible net purchases charged to your Account during each billing cycle. In addition, you will earn additional Points for the following: You will earn 3 additional Points for every dollar in eligible net purchases during each billing cycle at merchants classified as a restaurant, fast-food restaurant or bar. You will earn 1 additional Point for every dollar in eligible net purchases during each billing cycle at merchants classified as gas station, grocery store, supermarket or qualifying streaming subscription service. Refer to program rules for official list of qualifying streaming services merchants. Purchases at or delivery from discount/retail stores that sell groceries may not qualify for the grocery store or grocery delivery category. Purchases qualify for Points based on how merchants choose to classify their business and we reserve the right to determine which purchases qualify. Cash rewards can be redeemed as a deposit to a checking or savings account with this Financial Institution only, within seven business days, as a statement credit to your credit card account within one to two billing cycles or as a Rewards Card ($25 minimum redemption) Points expire five years from the end of the quarter in which they are earned.
  • 2. If you're approved for a new Max Cash Preferred Card, a one-time $150 bonus will be awarded for redemption after eligible net purchases totaling $500 or more are made to your account within 90 days from account opening. Please allow 6-8 weeks after you have met the spend requirement for your bonus to be credited to your rewards balance. Max Cash Preferred Card: Cardmember must initially enroll into categories of their choice, or all net purchases will earn no more than 1% cash back. Categories are subject to change. You will earn 5% cash back on your first $2,000 in combined net purchases each calendar quarter in your two chosen 5% categories and unlimited cash back in your 2% category. All other net purchases earn 1% cash back. Spend over the $2,000 quarterly cap/limits for the 5% categories will earn 1% cash back. Transactions qualify for 5% or 2% cash back based on how merchants classify the transaction. Upon approval, full details will be provided in your Cardmember Agreement. Rewards are earned on eligible net purchases. Cash rewards can be redeemed as a deposit to a checking or savings account with this Financial Institution only, within seven business days, as a statement credit to your credit card account within one to two billing cycles or as a Rewards Card ($25 minimum redemption). Cash rewards do not expire as long as the account remains active.
  • 3. The Elan Rewards Program is subject to change. Rewards are earned on eligible net purchases. Net purchases are purchases minus credits and returns. Not all transactions are considered to be Purchases and eligible to earn rewards, such as transactions posting as Convenience Checks; Balance Transfers; Advances (including ATM withdrawals, wire transfers, traveler's checks, money orders, foreign cash transactions, betting transactions, and lottery tickets); interest charges and fees; credit insurance premiums; and transactions to (i) fund certain prepaid card products, (ii) buy currency from the U.S. Mint, or (iii) buy cash convertible items. Upon approval, see your Cardmember Agreement for details. Subject to applicable law, you may not redeem rewards, and you will immediately lose all of your rewards, if your Account is closed to future transactions (including, but not limited to, due to Program misuse, failure to pay, bankruptcy, or death).
  • 4. Late payments or going over the credit limit may damage your credit history. For the Secured and Max Cash Secured products, your credit limit will be equal to the amount of your security deposit.
  • 5. If you're approved for a new Max Cash Secured Card, cardmember must initially enroll into categories of their choice, or all net purchases will earn no more than 1% cash back. Categories are subject to change. You will earn 5% cash back on your first $2,000 in combined net purchases each calendar quarter in your two chosen 5% categories and unlimited cash back in your 2% category. All other net purchases earn 1% cash back. Spend over the $2,000 quarterly cap/limits for the 5% categories will earn 1% cash back. Transactions qualify for 5% or 2% cash back based on how merchants classify the transaction. Upon approval, full details will be provided in your Cardmember Agreement. Rewards are earned on eligible net purchases. Cash rewards can be redeemed as a deposit to a checking or savings account with this Financial Institution only, within seven business days, as a statement credit to your credit card account within one to two billing cycles or as a Rewards Card ($25 minimum redemption). Cash rewards do not expire as long as the account remains active
  • 6. If you are approved for a new College Real Rewards Card, you will earn 1.5 Reward Points ("Points") for each dollar of eligible Net Purchases made with your Account within a billing cycle (equal to 1.5% cash back). Monthly net purchase points will be applied each billing cycle. Points expire five years from the end of the quarter in which they are earned. Reward points can be redeemed as a cash deposit to a checking or saving account with this Financial Institution only, within seven business days, or as a statement credit to your credit card account within one to two billing cycles. First purchase bonus points (2,500) will be applied 6 to 8 weeks after first purchases and are not awarded for balance transfers or cash advances. Please allow 6-8 weeks after you have met the spend requirement for your bonus points to be credited to your account
  • 7. If you're approved for a new Travel Rewards+ Card, a one-time 25,000 bonus points will be awarded after eligible net purchases totaling $2,000 or more are made to your account within 120 days from account opening. Please allow 1-2 statement billing cycles for your bonus Points to appear on your credit card statement. Travel Rewards+ Card: You will earn one and one-half (1.5) Points for every $1 dollar in eligible net purchases charged to your Account during each billing cycle. In addition, you will earn additional Points for the following: You will earn 2.5 additional Points for every $1 in Net Purchases during each billing cycle from merchants classified in qualifying travel (such as purchases made directly from airlines, hotels, car rental companies, taxicabs, limousines, passenger trains and cruise line companies), gas station, electric vehicle charging station, entertainment, and recreation category codes. Additional Points for Entertainment and Recreation purchases are dependent on how merchants choose to classify their business. Merchants classified as Entertainment include: most cinemas, theme parks, concert venues, professional sports venues, and qualifying ticket sellers such as Ticketmaster® and StubHub®. Entertainment purchases that may not be eligible include tickets purchased from colleges and universities, associations, schools, and charitable organizations. Merchants classified as Recreation include: sports and recreation facilities that charge membership fees, sporting goods stores, public golf courses, fitness centers, ongoing fitness subscriptions, recreational vehicle parks and campsites, dance studios and schools, and bowling centers. Purchases from third parties and consultants at these locations may not qualify. A purchase will not earn additional Points if the merchant's selected code is in a category that is not eligible for additional Points earning. We do not determine the category codes that merchants choose and reserve the right to determine which purchases qualify for additional Points. Reward points can be redeemed as a cash deposit to a checking or savings account with this Financial Institution only, which will be deposited within seven business days, or as a statement credit to your credit card account, which will be deposited within one to two billing cycles or as a Rewards Card ($25 minimum redemption). Points expire five years from the end of the quarter in which they are earned.
  • 8. If you're approved for a new Reserve Rewards+ Card, a one-time 50,000 bonus points will be awarded after eligible net purchases totaling $4,500 or more are made to your account within 90 days from account opening. Please allow 1-2 statement billing cycles for your bonus Points to appear on your credit card statement. Reserve Rewards+ Card: You will earn two (2) Points for every $1 dollar in eligible net purchases charged to your Account during each billing cycle. In addition, you will earn four (4) additional Points (6 Points total) for every $1 in eligible Net Purchases spent on airline tickets, car rental, and hotel reservations booked directly in the Rewards Center using your rewards credit card instead of Points. Purchases qualify for Points based on how merchants choose to classify their business and we reserve the right to determine which purchases qualify. Reward points can be redeemed as a cash deposit to a checking or savings account with this Financial Institution only, which will be deposited within seven business days, or as a statement credit to your credit card account, which will be deposited within one to two billing cycles or as a Rewards Card ($25 minimum redemption). Points expire five years from the end of the quarter in which they are earned.

The creditor and issuer of these Cards is Elan Financial Services, pursuant to separate licenses from Visa U.S.A. Inc., and Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Elan Financial Services may change APRs, fees and other Account terms in the future based on your experience with it and its affiliates as provided under the Cardmember Agreement and applicable law.


Subject to credit approval.

  • *The introductory rate does not apply to cash advances. Balance Transfer Information: Balance transfer transactions from other Elan Financial Services accounts are not permitted. Balance transfers submitted at time of application will be held for 10 days before processing. Balance Transfer fee of 3% of each transfer amount, $5 minimum will apply. The rate will end early and increase to the APR for Purchases and Balance Transfers or to a Penalty Rate APR if you make a late payment, make a payment that is returned, or your account exceeds its credit limit. We apply payments to balances with lower APRs, including promotional APRs, before balances with higher APRs.
  • 1. Smart Business Rewards Card: You will earn 1 Point for every dollar in eligible net purchases charged to your Account during each billing cycle. In addition, you will earn 1 additional bonus Point (for a total of 2 Points) for every dollar in eligible net purchases in your top two highest merchant spend categories ("Highest Categories") each billing cycle. Highest Categories can change with each billing cycle, depending on your purchase behavior during a particular billing cycle. Highest Categories automatically adjust to reward you on where you spend the most. Some exclusions apply. Please visit to see the full list of eligible merchant categories. Merchants are assigned codes based on what they primarily sell. Elan Financial Services cannot control how merchants choose to classify their business and reserves the right to determine which purchases qualify. A purchase will not earn additional points if the merchant's code is not eligible. Points expire five years from the end of the quarter in which they are earned.
  • 2. A one time bonus of 20,000 points will be awarded if you are approved and eligible. Net Purchases totaling $500 or more are made on the Authorized Officer's card within the first 90 days of account opening. These bonus points will be awarded on your monthly billing statement. This offer may not be combined with any other bonus offer. Additional bonus points are earned only on Authorized Officer purchases. Net purchases are purchases minus credits and returns. Rewards are earned based on eligible net purchases. Not all transactions are eligible to earn rewards, such as Cash Advances, Balance Transfers, and Convenience Checks. Upon approval, see your Cardmember Agreement for details. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your bonus points to be credited to your account.
  • 3. The Elan Rewards Program is subject to change. Rewards are earned on eligible net purchases. Net purchases are purchases minus credits and returns. Not all transactions are considered to be Purchases and eligible to earn rewards, such as transactions posting as Convenience Checks; Balance Transfers; Advances (including ATM withdrawals, wire transfers, traveler's checks, money orders, foreign cash transactions, betting transactions, and lottery tickets); interest charges and fees; credit insurance premiums; and transactions to (i) fund certain prepaid card products, (ii) buy currency from the U.S. Mint, or (iii) buy cash convertible items. Upon approval, see your Cardmember Agreement for details. Subject to applicable law, you may not redeem rewards, and you will immediately lose all of your rewards, if your Account is closed to future transactions (including, but not limited to, due to Program misuse, failure to pay, bankruptcy, or death).
  • 4. Business Cash Preferred Card: You will earn 3% cash back for every dollar in eligible net purchases at merchants classified as gas stations, office supply stores, dining, restaurants, fast-food restaurants, bars, food delivery services and cell phone service providers. All other net purchases will earn 1% cash back. Purchases at gas stations greater than $200 are not considered an automotive gasoline purchase and will therefore earn 1% cash back. Cash rewards can be redeemed as a deposit to a checking or savings account with this Financial Institution only, which will be deposited within one to two billing cycles, or as a statement credit to your credit card account within one to two billing cycles, or a Rewards Card ($25 minimum redemption).
  • 5. Reward points can be redeemed as a cash deposit to a checking or savings account with this Financial Institution only, within seven business days, or as a statement credit to your credit card account within one to two billing cycles. First purchase bonus points will be applied 6 to 8 weeks after first purchase and are not awarded for balance transfers or cash advances. First use bonus points are awarded only on the Authorized Officer purchases. Please allow 6-8 weeks after you have met the spend requirement for your bonus points to be credited to your account.
  • 6. Real Rewards: You will earn 1.5 Reward Points ("Points") for each dollar of eligible Net Purchases made with your Account within a billing cycle (equal to 1.5% cash back). Monthly net purchase points will be applied each billing cycle. Points expire five years from the end of the quarter in which they are earned.
  • 7. Business Cash Preferred Card: An automatic statement credit of $100 per 12-month period will be applied to your Business Cash Preferred Account within 2 statement billing cycles following 11 consecutive months of eligible software service purchases made directly with a software service provider. We reserve the right to adjust or reverse any portion or all of any software services credit for unauthorized purchases or transaction credits.

The creditor and issuer of these cards is Elan Financial Services, pursuant to separate licenses from Visa U.S.A. Inc., and Mastercard International Incorporated. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Cardmember Agreements

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